Scalping the open, trading the momentum


Junior member
Hey guys I was wondering if any of you guys trade the open, and try to catch 10 cent moves up and down when the market opens.

Im just trading on the demo, not live to see how to play this

Im talking about equities, when the market opens I look at the level 2 to spot a big buyer watching the prints to see if there is a big buyer and try to uncover his psychology.

This works during the day but in the morning its wicked wild, I'll get long in front of a big buyer at say 45.50 cents, because I see him buying. And immediately he drops his bid 10 cents faster than I can blink and im down 30-40 bucks with 200 shares.

Then re-bids and its up ten cents again back to my starting price.

I know guys who will play the stocks doing this, I work at a prop firm.

Just wondering if anyone else does this?