Scalping The Forex How many pips


Junior member
Hello I am new to trading forex I have traded futures, and also stocks I am breaking into forex. My question is what pips targets does a scalper go for???? I know it is different from any market I have traded, for instance I day the ym and my profit target is 7+11 and let the last 2 contracts trail and my stops move up every couple of ticks I have locked in good profits like that, but I know I cant use this strategie for forex. If you are a scalper what pip target is more acheivable????
Between 10 and 20pips on 3M charts. Winners can run much more than 20pips, I use price action to determine exit.
Is it Jupiter or what? (Bright thing on Southern horizon...)

A scalper asking what a scalp is.

Look at the volatility. What is it offering?

Trail a coupleof contracts? My friend, THAT is NOT scalping....
depends on the pair.. ninja 10-15.. but on GJ you'd be stopped almost immediately with a 10 point stop

but nevets you don't have the slimmest hope of success scalping retail forex as a newcomer.. You need to study for a long time before you understand FX enough to even begin to scalp. first of all, your mini account probably has spreads too high for scalping.. Use the daily charts, make money, study the charts then try scalping..

I know this isn't what you want to hear.. You need to wait until you lose all of your money (and you will) roll up into the fetal postion in your closet with your wife's shrill voice thrashing you within inches of your life through the door.. then go post on an FX review site how the industry is a scam etc..
How much you can get out of scalping trades depends on the present volatility. Also what is your definition of scalping? If it is simply capturing movements in a range, it's possible to catch 50-100 pip moves regularly in present ranges if you have a much bigger time frame (intraweek vs. intrahour).
Forex scalping is a trading technique that involves opening an FX position and closing it within a short space of time with the intention of speculating that price will move slightly in favour of your position before closing it, for a small profit. Typically, forex scalpers make a very large number of trades and it is not uncommon for a scalping trader to make well in excess of 100 trades in a week.
depends on the pair.. ninja 10-15.. but on GJ you'd be stopped almost immediately with a 10 point stop

but nevets you don't have the slimmest hope of success scalping retail forex as a newcomer.. You need to study for a long time before you understand FX enough to even begin to scalp. first of all, your mini account probably has spreads too high for scalping.. Use the daily charts, make money, study the charts then try scalping..

I know this isn't what you want to hear.. You need to wait until you lose all of your money (and you will) roll up into the fetal postion in your closet with your wife's shrill voice thrashing you within inches of your life through the door.. then go post on an FX review site how the industry is a scam etc..

😆 you're just a bag of laughs aren't you....but spot on...other than the wife bit, no fooker'd put up with that surely? 🙂
Forex scalping is a trading technique that involves opening an FX position and closing it within a short space of time with the intention of speculating that price will move slightly in favour of your position before closing it, for a small profit. Typically, forex scalpers make a very large number of trades and it is not uncommon for a scalping trader to make well in excess of 100 trades in a week.

you did mean to write day and not "week"...yes? 😀
Forex scalping is a trading technique that involves opening an FX position and closing it within a short space of time with the intention of speculating that price will move slightly in favour of your position before closing it, for a small profit. Typically, forex scalpers make a very large number of trades and it is not uncommon for a scalping trader to make well in excess of 100 trades in a week.

Thought I'd share this peach. I contacted Masterforex to ask about scalping ( I already happily trade with another broker), to see if it was permitted (e.g told me "NO")as a friend told me it was, I had heard it was not. The guy answered me like this...

DO: and Scalping?
agapkina: Yes but the deals could not be less than 2 minutes!
DO: ok, so not really know what I mean...
agapkina: Yes! is really a lye!)
