Scalping strategy for beginners


Junior member
Forex scalping is the art of using high leverage and a large number of short term trades to steadily increase an account. Usually, only 1 to 5 pips are targeted for each trade. This type of trading appeals greatly to day traders and those looking to minimize the risk involved in trading currencies. Next to money management, “risk control” is the single most important trait to a surviving (and thriving) currency trader. The small amount of time that is spent in the market limits much of the risk in exposure in comparison to a longer term system. Also, the freedom involved in a speedy Forex scalping system in such a liquid market is a “magnet” that drives many traders from other markets to try their hand in currency. A disciplined and steady scalper could seamlessly double or triple an account, and spend only a fraction of the time in the market as a common day trader.
I agree with some of that but not 'scalping is a low risk strategy'. See what your win rate needs to be with a casino sim and the typical r:r of a scalping system and you'll see what I mean. Unless you are uber good...death by a thousand cuts,. It has its place but isn't really a long term system as compounding becomes difficult too.
Pro scalping is tough enough and for retail traders without the many benefits of a pro setup, infrastructure and facilities will unlikely make a long-term career out of scalping – the costs are significantly higher in relative terms, but not necessarily a bar to entry or success.

It’s totally meaningless to make a judgement on ‘scalping for 5 ticks’ without knowing what you’re risking in pip terms on each trade and how many of your trades come good. There’s something to be said for minimising time exposure for sure, but without a solid basis for assessing your long-term viability you’re likely to fail. It’s all down to expectancy.
A disciplined and steady scalper could seamlessly double or triple an account, and spend only a fraction of the time in the market as a common day trader.

What utter horse-sh*t. Why do we tolerate this cr@p on here? Come back if you want to actually discuss the markets, not just plug some retarded 'robot' to the uneducated masses. That's what your OWN website's for, not this one. You tool.
What utter horse-sh*t. Why do we tolerate this cr@p on here? Come back if you want to actually discuss the markets, not just plug some retarded 'robot' to the uneducated masses. That's what your OWN website's for, not this one. You tool.
Who are you calling a retarded robot? Bloody cheek. I'm totally non-deterministically retarded if you don't mind.
What utter horse-sh*t. Why do we tolerate this cr@p on here? Come back if you want to actually discuss the markets, not just plug some retarded 'robot' to the uneducated masses. That's what your OWN website's for, not this one. You tool.

Dont hold back...Say what you think :clap:
haha - those that know me will (I hope) tell you that I am pretty consistent interms of what I respect and what I don't. I hate internet spamming, hate 'robot' trading systems vendors, love people who want to genuinely learn (and love learning off other people).

And I hate people who don't know very much trying to pass for 'experts'. Hence my somewhat ascerbic comments from time to time.
It's that golf and trading thing again.
Why don't traders go and do some sky diving or fly a helicopter while waiting for their million dollar trade to come good. Always blo*dy golf, which is marginally less interesting than trading

'Win all the money in the world at Forex so you can play golf'

How much is a set of clubs and a club membership these days.

If you want excitement take up angling. Sit there for hours on end watching a little stick with an orange bit on it bobbing up and down.Now THAT's excitement.
If you want excitement take up angling. Sit there for hours on end watching a little stick with an orange bit on it bobbing up and down.Now THAT's excitement.

Thats funny. My brother-in-law used to watch the fisherman's programs on cable while downing a few beers. I don't know how he did it without falling asleep. Seemed like a cure for insomnia to me!

I have a good forex scalping strategy that I would like to share with you; I only trade cable or eur dollar. it needs a lot of patiance though.
open up 15 min chart set your stochastic to 14/3/3. Wait for the price to break out of range/consolidation first for bullish or bearish move than wait for price to pull back and stoch to be below 15 for buy signal and above 85 for sell signal and pull the trigger for your entry put your stop just below most recent support or just above the resistance target usually 1.5 or 2 times the pips risked. I got this tip at Forex Courses.
any good FX Strategy to suggest? I am a scalper as well...but I im for at least 50 pips per trade, otherwise it ain't worth it....nevertheless it is very stressfull and extremely hard to keep yourself updated with the information flow over the market..any suggestions?
any good FX Strategy to suggest? I am a scalper as well...but I im for at least 50 pips per trade, otherwise it ain't worth it....nevertheless it is very stressfull and extremely hard to keep yourself updated with the information flow over the market..any suggestions?

If you want to trade like a pro trader,you MUST follow the significant economic news from Bloomberg,Reuters and so on,there is no other way!