Scalping -How to Paper trade without investing?



I've been using "Esignal- Basic" to paper trade US Stocks for 30 days (FREE trial). Unfortunately they don't offer anything cheaper (even 15 min delayed or 1 day).

Can you please suggest any website or FREE trading simulation platforms that give me the following?

1. Level II
2. Top 10 Winner/Loser with Volume of the day
3. Sector (in % on the opening)
4. Charts (I can use, but if there is something better let me know)
5. NOW I ASK FOR THE MOON .. I KNOW 😕 - "time & sales"?

The best option I've found is "Esignal - Market Center Live", but it doesn't provide "time & sales" or Sectors and they charge $15.00+.
It's a good price for paper trading compared to esignal which is $125.00+

Any suggestions? And another question if I may:
Have you ever tried platforms such as Esignal with Spreadbettings brokers?

Do they work? I know that the number of symbols you can have from a SB broker is very limited, but because it's TAX FREE I was wondering if someone had tried to combine the 2 (Note: SB platforms don't offer volume and I consider it very important in TA)

Thanks for your time.
Keep the good trading 😀
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1. Good luck getting Level II for free - people pay hundreds a year for it, so you're not likely to get it for free.
2. Are you interested in US stocks or UK? If UK just go to ADVFN - it has the info there.
3. Not sure as the above holds about UK/US. Perhaps ADVFN again.
4. Any spreadbetting platform will give you live access to their price charts (which is as accurate as you're likely to get without spending mone for Direct Market Access.) Try IG (they have the widest range of equities I know of)
5. That's Level II stuff I think. You can get a little bit on ADVFN - but it disappears quite quickly. You can get it on other sites - but they'll be delayed by about 15 minutes I expect.

Not too sure about the other bits - i'm not heavily involved with equities at the moment. I hope some of the above is helpful (and correct).
T&S + DOM are unlikely to be available anywhere for free; the exchanges themselves charge for these and real-time data, the data vendor charges for the provision of this data.
Some brokers offer a trial of Ninja Trader, with Zen-fire data feed in real time including L2

"FREE TRIAL Unfortunately they don't offer anything cheaper"
So you want a data supplier to pay you.....? 🙂
Use Sierracharts, have both DOM+T&S and every thinkable indicator u can use.