How do I reduce the risk? Should be the main effort. When you enter a trade you are at maximum risk, you then reduce risk balancing profit against risk taken ie scaling out, tightening stops, BE etc till you are at minimum or risk free and can let them run. You need experience to pick this up as each market has its own idiosyncrasies and you don't want to get stopped out too early on a profitable run. Only way to make money in this game in my opinion.
- good system
- low risk per trade
- money managemnt
- low key operation
- stay focused
- trading is hard
- prepare for losses
- invest winners outside of trading
Be patient, there is no such thing as a get rich quick system in Forex or anything else. You do not need to be stuck in front of a computer all day every day.
I was wondering... Say, my risk tolerance tends to zero, but I still want to make money trading - what is the best way for me? So far my number one pick is covered calls, but I'm curious if there are other options. I'd be happy if you could share your wisdom with me :smart:
Have you ever considered VIX options or Binary Options ?
They are less risky than selling puts or other styles of trading.
Considering how many runts I've heard about binary options, I guess I'll pass them 😀 As of VIX options, I've never heard about them before. After carrying out a small research, they do look interesting. Are they liquid enough, or is it just a trend without real volumes being traded?
Have you ever considered VIX options or Binary Options ?
They are less risky than selling puts or other styles of trading.
The VIX is a way of trading the entire least the volatility.
Right now it is at 11.6......that is about as low as it has ever been.
Investopedia explains it better than I can......
The VIX is an implied volatility index that measures the market's expectation of 30-day S&P 500 volatility implicit in the prices of near-term S&P options. VIX options give traders a way to trade volatility without having to factor in the price changes of the underlying instrument, dividends, interest rates or time to expiration - factors that affect volatility trades using regular equity or index options. VIX options allow traders to focus almost exclusively on trading volatility.^VIX
To be safe in Forex trading avoid greediness, emotion and laziness. This all things can help you to stay out from big loss. People are losing their money in Forex because of their own mistake. Just avoid it and be safe in trading.
Are you trying to sell this system? 😀
You should use lower risk reward like 1%, 2%! In addition, there have another valid way and is ‘leaning’. You knowledge can helps you a lot! Don’t concentrate on your trading result but be dedicate on your trading analysis and mistakes! Listen, success is a long time process! So, if you are on the right track then definitely you’ll be success!
I recommend using the safe strategy. This strategy is used by both newbie traders and experienced ones to guarantee safe market entry in the case of a reversal price movement with minimal losses. The strategy itself means that the trader's deal is protected and the profit is partially “hidden” in the safe, and there are two ways for further situation proceeding:
Risk per trade shouldn't be more than 5% of the deposit;
the price goes in the direction of the transaction, profit is partially fixed and in the future the transaction is without risk.
With the help of this strategy, it's possible to get half the profit, with a full zero stop loss.
I was wondering... Say, my risk tolerance tends to zero, but I still want to make money trading - what is the best way for me? So far my number one pick is covered calls, but I'm curious if there are other options. I'd be happy if you could share your wisdom with me :smart:
Midget in a crowded elevator smells things differently
wicked wicked man FT.......although the concept of "Safe" and Trading in the same sentence always worries me....