Sad News

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fxmarkets has been permanently banned. This sad news is carried on the Banned Members thread, and although added as an edit today but not showing as such, you may have missed it. - check it out.

Many here will remember his multiple personalties and distinct style of posting.

You will be missed fxm. I don't know if anyone of your acolytes will be flying in from overseas to mark your demise, but maybe the DLR will be a little quieter this evening, and no doubt the T2W member count will mark your exit in its own way.
Time for some T2W Feedback perhaps
Yes, he has been permanently banned and I'll tell you why.

He was banned for ONE DAY last week because he was causing a lot of trouble on one thread about this same topic that you have raised on the other current thread on this forum. At the time of his ban, I warned him that if he came back with another nick, it would add a day to the ban.

After the sixth multi-nick attempt, I emailed him and asked if he was happy with the 7 days ban or if he'd like to go for more. I received no reply.

After the eighth multi-nick, I emailed him again and said that if it continued then he would be banned permanently, and reminded him that he could have come back with his original nick by now if only he hadn't acted like such a fool. Again, I received no reply.

We have now had at least 11 that I know of. So yes, I have made the ban permanent. He has had fair warning. Act like a child and you will be treated as such.

IF he was to apologise for causing the disruption he has caused this week, and was to reveal all the nicks he has used in the past and at present, then I will discuss his return with the other mods. However if we were to subsequently discover additional nicks after his return then the ban will be re-inforced immediately and permanently, so if you're in conversation with him, I would suggest you communicate this to him.

If he continues to come back, I will continue to ban him until he has run out of IP's. It's a lot more hassle to create accounts and address than it is to simply click "ban", believe me.
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