S & P trader platform, options


Hi all,

New to the site and i guess somewhere amongst all this information lies some of my answers.But the lazy option is to ask questions, can you please advise as to S & P platforms, best options, fees etc.
Intend to trade around cash open and after 6pm GMT.Maybe 10 trades daily.
If you want to trade the S&P futures without being in the pits in the CME, then its the ES you want .... unless your spreadbetting ?

But i learn something new everyday on these forums and i could be wrong ...but I thought you can only trade the FULL S&P in the pits.

But anyway if you want to trade the ES which is 1/5 the FULL contract ie: each point is worth $50 (moves in 1/4's) the margin for DAY trade is around $500 from most brokers.

I use Infinity Futures (they offer many platforms..nija,**, ect...) I use the AT Platform and never have problems at all !! but they dont have charts so i use sierra.
By options you mean? ... Most platforms have the same options ....InfinityAT is very user freindly and simple .... unlike some others that i've used.

Fee's are charged by your broker ...not the platform !!
You shouldnt pay more than $5 R/T on the ES ... you can get it way lower but then the platform is probably not as good.
If you want to trade the S&P futures without being in the pits in the CME, then its the ES you want .... unless your spreadbetting ?

But i learn something new everyday on these forums and i could be wrong ...but I thought you can only trade the FULL S&P in the pits.

But anyway if you want to trade the ES which is 1/5 the FULL contract ie: each point is worth $50 (moves in 1/4's) the margin for DAY trade is around $500 from most brokers.

I use Infinity Futures (they offer many platforms..nija,**, ect...) I use the AT Platform and never have problems at all !! but they dont have charts so i use sierra.
By options you mean? ... Most platforms have the same options ....InfinityAT is very user freindly and simple .... unlike some others that i've used.

Fee's are charged by your broker ...not the platform !!
You shouldnt pay more than $5 R/T on the ES ... you can get it way lower but then the platform is probably not as good.

Cheers BJ21,

Fee's are deducted at source, which includes r/t (finotec), they do offer the mini with risk capital any under 10k so i guess thats e-mini.

I shall research the sites you have mentioned.