RS of Houston ES Trading Courses


Well-known member
Hello All

Can anyone with experience/exposure shed light on the trading courses run by RsofHouston in the US? The course is primarily geared towards daytrading the Emini S&P500.

If there's already a thread out there on these guys could someone please supply the link? Thanks.
seguna said:
Hello All

Can anyone with experience/exposure shed light on the trading courses run by RsofHouston in the US? The course is primarily geared towards daytrading the Emini S&P500.

If there's already a thread out there on these guys could someone please supply the link? Thanks.

Go to, a similar site to T2W, and use the "Search" function, or ask under the "Traders" forum.

Since it seems your question relates to a US outfit then Elite trader may be able to help.
I attended the workshop in 1997 and was pleased at the time. I still use a few of their signals to fine tune entries. I am a swing trader who typically holds for 1 to 3 days.

However, you shoud know that Ron and Valdi plead no contest to a charge by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and each paid $10,000 each to settle.

The CFTC charged that Ron and Valdi did not trade profitable in any of the years that they stated after close examination of their respective accounts except in 1996 when Valdi made a net of $55.00 for the year.

I e-mailed Ron to get his side of the story, but he only replied that under the agreement of his settlement, he was not at liberty to discuss the matter.

Good luck in your trading,

SW in Dallas
what is the probability of a trading course making money for students----------------------answer.!!!!
if I can make money trading why teach someone---------------all the unsuccessful traders have
found a new niche ------------------------- Teaching their 95% fellow traders who also think that
maybe-------maybe--------- a successful millionaire trader will reveal his methods for peanuts
and risk losing his edge due to overuse by everybody------------------- maybe------maybe.
what is the probability of a trading course making money for students----------------------answer.!!!!
if I can make money trading why teach someone---------------all the unsuccessful traders have
found a new niche ------------------------- Teaching their 95% fellow traders who also think that
maybe-------maybe--------- a successful millionaire trader will reveal his methods for peanuts
and risk losing his edge due to overuse by everybody------------------- maybe------maybe.

It's not just the course you need, IT'S MENTORING. With mentoring, there is ongoing accountability and investment of time by the MENTOR. MENTOR Trainers have a VESTED interest in your ongoing success. Course/book/seminar/webinar floggers do NOT!!!
Quote from complaint:

From November 1998 until the present, Schoemmell and Thorkelsson, acting through an unincorporated entity known as the R.S. of Houston Workshop ("Workshop"), committed solicitation fraud while acting as commodity trading advisors. Schoemmell and Thorkelsson offered a trading course and methodology based on misrepresentations made on the internet and in a brochure that they traded Standard & Poors 500 equity index futures contracts ("S & P 500 futures") successfully for their own accounts using that methodology. However, neither Schoemmell nor Thorkelsson was a successful commodity trader. Schoemmell consistently suffered net trading losses in each of the six years he traded, and Thorkelsson made only an insignificant profit in one of several years he traded. As such, Schoemmell's and Thorkelsson's solicitations to actual and prospective customers were false, deceptive and misleading through their misstatement of facts material to the customers' decisions to purchase the trading workshop, in violation of Sections 4b(a)(i) and (iii) and 4o of the Act and Regulation 4.41(a).

Schoemmell and Thorkelsson also made statements on their web site and in a brochure sent to students and prospective students that gave purported hypothetical results of their trading methodology. In fact, however, Schoemmell and Thorkelsson's published futures trading results were based on after-the-fact selection of trades and entry and exit points. Therefore, they defrauded their clients and potential clients by failing to disclose the after-the-fact selection of trades and prices that rendered the trading results fictitious.2


Solely on the basis of the consent evidenced by the Offer, and without any adjudication on the merits, the Commission finds that Schoemmell and Thorkelsson violated Sections 4b(a)(i) and (iii) and 4o(1)(A) and (B) of the Act, 7 U.S.C. §§ 6b(a)(i) and (iii), 6o(1)(A) and (B) and Regulation 4.41(a).
I have their home study course, Its quite intresting but outdated. Send me private message and will give it to you for free as i dont need it anymore.

As seguna said before "its mentoring what you need". I had someone who shared (still do) his knowledge and experience with me. I remember when I was starting with trading, I was all the time on phone and skype asking siliest questions 🙂
It's not just the course you need, IT'S MENTORING. With mentoring, there is ongoing accountability and investment of time by the MENTOR. MENTOR Trainers have a VESTED interest in your ongoing success. Course/book/seminar/webinar floggers do NOT!!!

What aren't you getting?? Did you not read the posts and links here? These guys can't trade, how the hell are they going to mentor you. You will learn to lose better and faster?

Hi Just wondering if you still have the course or any one else doesBe interested to have a quick look at it. Thanks BH

I have their home study course, Its quite intresting but outdated. Send me private message and will give it to you for free as i dont need it anymore.

As seguna said before "its mentoring what you need". I had someone who shared (still do) his knowledge and experience with me. I remember when I was starting with trading, I was all the time on phone and skype asking siliest questions 🙂
Exactly. This applies to over 90 percent of all those trading experts. They are just marketers.
Come on peeps have a heart, these online trading course marketers have families to feed and bills to pay too!:cheesy:

Imho, the activities that anyone puts the most time & effort into are the ones which they find most rewarding...These marketers spend so much time promoting and 'supporting' their trading programmes you have to wonder when they ever find time to actually trade and make all those 😴megabucks🙄 they keep telling us we can make!
Come on peeps have a heart, these online trading course marketers have families to feed and bills to pay too!:cheesy:

So do many others. And, as I implied, the remaining 10% is more or less legitimate, so all I ask those 90% is to try and join the other fellows.:smart:
I have their home study course, Its quite intresting but outdated. Send me private message and will give it to you for free as i dont need it anymore.

I took their course in Houston (I was living in Houston at the time). I cannot find my materials and would be interested in anything you have which shows how they setup the stochastic. I found it useful, but did not have good results with 2 point SP500 trades. Thanks!