royal platinum finance?


Junior member
Anybody know anything about a broker called Royal Platinum Finance? They cold-called me with a recommendation. Sounds good, always does, doesn't it...? But anybody have any actual experience with these guys?
They have no proper website. Google them - there's nothing there! That's not normal to say the least!!!!

Who are they recommending out of interest? And what products?

Absolutely one thousand billion per cent moody - do not touch with a very very long barge pole.
"Because our service is exclusively commission based you can be assured of impartial advice" - well, if they are exclusively paid by a third party for selling a third parties shares for eg, they're inherently not impartial. Who's paying what commission?! It's completely contradictory as well since they go on to state they don't receive any benefit when making a recommendation. OK, well that only leaves you to poy commission then. Yet they are not an authorised broker, and they cannot trade on any exchange, so what can they legitimately offer?

Doesn't mention any sort of FSA registration, doesnt mention anything at all in fact about which products and services they even pretend to offer.

100% scam,

If you really want the proof still, google "We will give you straight forward advice designed to achieve your financial objectives" - direct quote from their website... Have a look at the hits you get.

It a scam. No doubt, no debate.
Hi mate, thanks for having a look at this. You make very good points. Btw, they charge 2% commission. based on the profits made per trade. This first trade is "free". They're recommending Yamana, offering their "institutional buy price", 15.75, instead of 16.13 ...

Looks like they may be related to Financial Advisor, Financial Planning & Financial Services, London. That is where Google found the same sentence which you spotted. Even have the same website layout.
So there commission structure is that they make zero unless you make a profit... Doesn't work like that! If they are a market neutral brokerage, they charge commission regardless of the P+L on a trade. It's total, total tosh unfortunately. Just make sure you do not give them a penny!

There is no reason to ever use a tiny firm you've never heard of - there is no way can be cheaper than the big monster firms everyone knows since they have no economies of scale. If they are selling Yamana Gold by the way, it's trading under there offer so just buy it through a cheaper normal, recognised proper broker if you want to!
Says on their site they were established in 2006 ,the website was only registered in Feb 2011 and even their Head office address they dont appear as a tennant

Geneva Business Center
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and even their Head office address they dont appear as a tennant
Geneva Business Center
You are wrong here. It is there. It called: Columbia Sportswear Company.

What else do you want. They are good as gold.

The guy is actually promoting them and you are good samaritans are trying to help.. And his laughing his ar$e off..... 🙁

another Adoboli here
Agreed - but enough new people will read along in the forum, have a look at the firm blah blah - always best to bash them when you get the chance these stupid firms!
You are wrong here. It is there. It called: Columbia Sportswear Company.

What else do you want. They are good as gold.

The guy is actually promoting them and you are good samaritans are trying to help.. And his laughing his ar$e off..... 🙁

another Adoboli here

So what, dont say anything or say ye looks ok go for it .

He posted it now unless the thread is deleted its there for all to see so as James said any newbies looking at it can see what others have said about it
bashing is fine 🙂 but also can kick the promoter in the groin. fed up of these innocent NLP DIYers
How do you know? What experience do you have with them?

I don't have any experience with them to know they're boiler room thieves. Like I said it's the name, big and flashy, and if you think about it - pathetic. The name gives them away. Boiler rooms normally always call themselves impressive names, or in this case just a stupid one. Just go to the FSAs site and look at the names of all the boiler rooms they list, all of them are flashy and big.

Plus, as others have said there's nothing on them on Google, don't you find that strange for a financial firm?

Also, as another person stated the 'firm' states it was founded in 2006 yet the domain was first registered this year! How much more evidence do you need?

Now, for everyone that had even a 1% view that this firm might be legit I have some firm advice for you -


But if you do want to disregard this advice then realise you're always going to be a lamb led to the slaughter by the wolves who work in finance, whether they be outright scammers or work for legit firms (who will skim and scam your money legally).

The reason for that advice is simple - because part of you couldn't spot this scam, because you thought they might be legit it shows you up for a) not having a clue about investments or investment firms and b) that you are naive in such matters. You see, anyone that knows what they're talking about and has some experience could see within about 1 second that the firm was a scam.

Please don't attack me, I'm just being cruel to be kind and hope to help you keep hold of your cash so you're not taken advantage of. It really is a bad bad world out there these days and if you don't understand that point then your money is at real risk, even from legit firms.

Good luck.

PS. If you're ever unsure about any investment or firm please use this message board, we can help. Yes, some of us might be hard on you, but it will be for your own financial wellbeing. Note the paradox to this, the financial firms who will skim and scam you will no doubt be charming and nice..........
Looks like they may be related to Financial Advisor, Financial Planning & Financial Services, London. That is where Google found the same sentence which you spotted. Even have the same website layout.

the only relationship that's apparent when looking at those 2 sites is that platinum finance is a lame copy/paste job.

add to the fact that tower hill is fsa registered, has uk registered web site with uk servers and has been up and running since 08. contrast that with platinums site, that's been up for 6/7 months, web site registered nassau bahamas with servers in malaysia !! 😆

you've had excellent advice already, don't get involved with these clowns whatsoever. if you are uk based then a good next step will be to contact the fsa to let them know that you were cold called by these idiots. they are acting illegally by contacting you with investment advice.