Rollover day Thursday 9 September

A reminder that futures rollover to the December contract tomorrow (Thursday 9th September 04).

The letter code for December is Z.

The last trading day of the September contract is Friday 17th September, which is quadruple witching.
Rollover Day

Skimbleshanks said:
A reminder that futures rollover to the December contract tomorrow (Thursday 9th September 04).

The letter code for December is Z.

The last trading day of the September contract is Friday 17th September, which is quadruple witching.

Wow, I am a newbie trading in forex. Would be grateful if you could put your last posting into layterms as it sounds really interesting.

Financial futures (such as emini S&P, emini Dow) and commodity futures are traded in contracts, and the contracts expire every three months on financial futures. The current front month for ES (emini S&P) is September, and on the 17th it expires. Rollover day is one week and one day before this, and this is the date when all the main volume being traded switches from the September contract to the December contract.

This means that you will see very little volume on the September contract tomorrow as everyone (or virtually everyone) is trading December. It means that you need to change your software codes for charts, and to change your default on your trading platform to ensure you are trading December contracts, not September.

As the September contract expires on Friday 17th, it is called Witching. There are four types of contract which expire on that day, and so it is Quadruple Witching.

During Witching the market can be very volatile, particularly before 12:00 noon ET time, so you need to fasten your seatbelt tightly. Best stay out of the market if you don't know what to expect.
Yours is on 2nd December. Am I right? :cheesy:

Seriously though, it was the movement of the price today which reminded me, although I do have it in my diary. It seems I upset some folks last time for not mentioning the rollover day sooner, so I thought I would be pronto this time. 😀
Skimbleshanks - how much is the Forex market affected by triple/quadruple witching...also very volatile? Is volume affected?

I don't know because I don't trade forex. Sorry!

Just look back at your intraday charts to see - the last two Quadruple Witching days were Friday 18th June and Friday 19th March.
FYI: 18/6 - no wild swings but a nice, smooth 170 pip rally....and volume similar to the surrounding days.

Skimbleshanks said:
During Witching the market can be very volatile, particularly before 12:00 noon ET time, so you need to fasten your seatbelt tightly.

Thanks Skim; I was suspicious about that.

On Friday, I was literally holding my breath during the first 75 minutes, but nearly fell asleep for the remaining part. I wonder whether it is a good idea to take the afternoon of a quadruple day off.
Hi all,

could somebody post a link, where I could find last fridays settlement price of the NQ100 Globex Sept contract? Or just provide me with the actual figure?

