Rob's Trading Diary


Active member
I have been trading for about 18 months now and after doing a lot of research and taking advice of other traders I believe I have found the best way to suit my trading needs.

I am going to share with you my trades that require a small bank roll and not very much time on the computer.

As much as I enjoy the fact people are making 40 pips in 15 mins on the forex I haven't got 10K or so to risk (although one day I will get there!) 'they' also are lucky enough to be able to spend all day in front of their computers, and not in work

I however I work 40 hours a week and for now only feel comfortable risking small amounts which is why I took a look in to trading the FTSE 100 INDIVIDUAL stocks on a daily time frame.

I will post charts and targets/stops and will take any other advice from people watching my progress...


Thought i would post a trade that I took on the 21/11/11 so you guys can see what I'm looking to do.

here is a a picture of Smith & Nephew daily which has a pin bar through a 12 month resistance line, I played the pin bar as follows

Sell at 573.5

stop at 589.0 (15.5 pips)

Limit at 542.5 (31 pips)

Risk/Reward 1:2

at the time of this post that trade is in profit +8.7 pips



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Thanks JD

Set an Sell order for tomorrow on Rexam (FTSE 100)

Sell at 336.5

Stop 346.2 (possible - 9.7 pips)

Target 317.1 (possible 19.4 pips)

Risk Reward 1:2


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Sell order for Rexam executed at 0802

Sell at 336.5

Stop 346.2 (possible - 9.7 pips)

Target 317.1 (possible 19.4 pips)

Risk Reward 1:2
Not a good start for a trading diary -9.7 pips today,

buy Rexam at 346.2

-9.7 pips

wasn't a good time to be a bear yesterday!! am looking at more possible set ups due to the recent rally and pull back will see how today plays out and post any charts later.

So after a strong start to my short trade on smith and nephew it seems to have reversed and looking to stop me out, but I'm going to show you a 5 min chart of smith and nephew with negative divergence on the MACD and RSI plus on the daily chart it is at a resistance level (and also showing negative divergence), so there is a possibility (very slim) that it will reverse

On this basis (5min chart) i have got short again at 587.0 Stop at 590.0 target 550.0

R/R 1:10


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Looking to go short again on Serco

Order submitted for the following

Sell 286.6

Stop 299.4 (-12.8 pips)

Target 262.6 (+24 pips)

R/R 1:2

Looking at the chart there are 5 points of evidence for the trade,

1) Strong looking Pin Bar
2) The pin bar goes through 2 x resistance lines
3) Negative Divergence on the RSI
4) Negative Divergence on the MACD
5) the pin bar got refused at a big round number (300)

Hope this trade is more successful that the others!!! :eek: (if the pin bar breaks of course :p )

Any Feedback welcome!



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Found another short trade with BskyB

Sell at 758.1

stop 772.6 (14.5 pips)

Target 725.0 (33.0 pips)

but i'm NOT going to submit the order (n) because,

1) its a pin bar set up, although the pin bar isn't ideal the pin is 2x the size of the body
2) its through the resistance line
3)Negative Divergence on the MACD
4) RSI has flattened out

1)The pin bar isn't ideal
2)The risk/reward is only 1:2 and with a pin like that i would like more 1:3-4+
3) 50/200 EMA are looking to turn bullish
4)The spread with capital spreads is 1.3 pips!

So I am going to monitor it tomorrow, and look for a pin bar break and retrace so my R/R is more like 1:4

Any thoughts welcome...



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Got two Trades that i will be looking at Monday morning Tesco and Compass see how they play out but will be going short on both if the pins break...

The FTSE also looks bearish on the charts with a nice pin bar through 200MA and negative divergence on the hourly macs/rsi

Heres the charts for Tesco/Compass any questions/suggestions post them up...




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in case your wondering Compass has broken though the pin bar as well but the spread on my broker is too big for me to get the R/R I would like so will trade if there is retrace,

Also where I have mentioned the company Serco it is meant to be Sage iv just spotted the error but to clarify I am short Sage.

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Another Bearish trade on the radar for tomorrow :devilish: with Kingfisher

will look to sell on the break of the pin, won't set an order until the markets have opened incase of Gapping.

very good R/R ratio possible so lets see how it plays out

Here is the chart...

Again any questions/suggestions please ask!



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Short now Tesco @405.0

Another Bearish trade on the radar for tomorrow :devilish: with Kingfisher

will look to sell on the break of the pin, won't set an order until the markets have opened incase of Gapping.

very good R/R ratio possible so lets see how it plays out

Here is the chart...

Again any questions/suggestions please ask!


Short Kingfisher now

Sell at 263

Stop 271 (-8pips)

Target 246 (18 pips)
Hey guys just thought i would recap on my trades so far,

So i have 3 open trades short on Sage, Tesco and Kingfisher and i have close 2 trades for -28.2 pips



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