Ricky Gervais / The Office


Legendary member

Inspired by recent BBC article on “The Office”:

Why do we expect to be making hundreds or thousands of pounds/dollars in just weeks after just reading up on some “system” ??

If an expert, with years of experience, can make thousands per week, why us??

Who had heard if Ricky Gervais BEFORE The Office ?
Is it not possible that the US version can NEVER be as good as the UK version, because there is something UNIQUE about the combination of the characters / chemistry that, perhaps can NEVER be repeated ?
Despite selling the “formula” to the US, the US version is foundering in the ratings.
Is this the fault of Ricky ?? Or the fault of the Americans ??

Could Fawlty Towers EVER be the same without the chemistry and characters of John Cleese / Prunella Scales / “Manuel” / Connie Booth (“Polly”) ?

The point I want to make, IN DEFENCE of system-sellers, is that SHOULD we expect to make the same amounts of money in such a short space of time ?

Part of the problem, is people buying systems, sometimes spending large sums of money, and then BLEATING that they don’t make the same amounts !!!

Could you drive a Formula 1 car like Rubens Barrichello (I don’t care for Herr Schumacher) after just a few lessons ?
At best, you could pick up some basics, and be “better” than the non-trained, but don’t expect to be F1 material.

Similarly, WHY do people expect to be making a fortune, just because they SPENT a lot of money ???

If Delta works, its because, after a LOT OF HARD WORK, it fell into place.
If Market Matrix works, its because after a LOT OF HARD WORK, the pieces fell into place.

Does Larry Williams make as much as, after hitting his SWEET SPOT, or perhaps, is now living off his reputation.
Is Linda Raschke making as much, after hitting her SWEET SPOT, and is now living off her reputation?


At best, you should ASSUME you will make about HALF the profits from the SAME RISKED amount.
After several MONTHS, perhaps, COUPLE of years, should you expect to make, perhaps 80% of ADVERTISED profits.

Because, sometimes, the markets conditions, favour a particular system over any other.
Because, sometimes, people get lucky !!!!

If you bought the SCRIPT to The Office, or Fawlty Towers,
Do you REALLY think you get the same responses, audience figures, money, fame as Ricky Gervais / John Cleese ?

This post brought to you by kind after-effects of a full bottle of “Cotes Du Rhone”.
( French Connection - Classic (if that isn’t a contradiction ))

Have a happy /relaxed/reflective weekend. And good trading.
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trendie said:

Could you drive a Formula 1 car like Rubens Barrichello (I don’t care for Herr Schumacher) after just a few lessons ?
At best, you could pick up some basics, and be “better” than the non-trained, but don’t expect to be F1 material.

I think that you make some fair observations trendie, but many of the system sellers promote their systems as 'black box all singing all dancing' trading. I think that this is akin you having a fully self driven Ferrari, and irrespective of who is sitting in the driving seat it is still going to go as fast.

It is these promoters that possibly give system sellers a bad name. Those that highlight the effort required should be excluded from this, even though, ultimately, the system they promote may not be useable for all traders in all markets.
