Retreat Yoga


It is our general observation that most of the people try to find real peace of mind and are always in search of a quality

yoga centre. Today, any Tom, Dick and Harry to have started yoga centres - without truly understanding what yoga is all

about. We have been emphasizing that yoga is not only about asanas and pranayams - though they are an essential component.

So, any centre merely teaching the yoga practice around these two practices is not a yoga centre.

We have been observing hundreds of educated and well qualified people being exploited in the name of yoga training at the

yoga centres run by run-of-the-mill preachers. We believe we can help the society in a large way, by undertaking such

retreat yoga - so as to further spread the true light of yoga.

For further details regarding investment required, fees charged for the course, additional support, etc contact us.


JSR Solution
Wrong section and you shouldn't advertise without permission but I agree. Most trendy types do yoga for relaxation and stretching. They're missing the point.