Retail trader working in Sheffield (DeGiro broker)


Hey all

I thought I would make a post to see if theres any local retail traders or any traders in the UK who wanted to talk about strategies or brokers. Currently I trade through DeGiro because I like the low commissions and the fact they do not charge to put money onto the account or withdraw (hate it when brokers charge to withdraw).

So if there is anyone local or in the UK feel free to drop me a message, I trade US stocks (NASDAQ) between 1pm - 4pm.

I would also like to know if there are any UK brokers, that allow you to trade on the NASDAQ, without withdrawal fees, but also that has level 2 trading (which DeGiro currently does not).

I trade stocks only, breakouts. I tried Forex but I do not think it likes me :cheesy:

Anyway, this is just a friendly post to see if anyone is looking for a trading buddy who is maybe local to Sheffield or the UK, who trades the US stock market.

Thanks and kind regards,

Hey all

I thought I would make a post to see if theres any local retail traders or any traders in the UK who wanted to talk about strategies or brokers. Currently I trade through DeGiro because I like the low commissions and the fact they do not charge to put money onto the account or withdraw (hate it when brokers charge to withdraw).

So if there is anyone local or in the UK feel free to drop me a message, I trade US stocks (NASDAQ) between 1pm - 4pm.

I would also like to know if there are any UK brokers, that allow you to trade on the NASDAQ, without withdrawal fees, but also that has level 2 trading (which DeGiro currently does not).

I trade stocks only, breakouts. I tried Forex but I do not think it likes me :cheesy:

Anyway, this is just a friendly post to see if anyone is looking for a trading buddy who is maybe local to Sheffield or the UK, who trades the US stock market.

Thanks and kind regards,


hello i have a question about DeGiro, they seem to have excellent rates.

when you buy and then sell a US stock does your money stay in dollars?
do you have any issues with their rules or platform?
Hey all

I thought I would make a post to see if theres any local retail traders or any traders in the UK who wanted to talk about strategies or brokers. Currently I trade through DeGiro because I like the low commissions and the fact they do not charge to put money onto the account or withdraw (hate it when brokers charge to withdraw).

So if there is anyone local or in the UK feel free to drop me a message, I trade US stocks (NASDAQ) between 1pm - 4pm.

I would also like to know if there are any UK brokers, that allow you to trade on the NASDAQ, without withdrawal fees, but also that has level 2 trading (which DeGiro currently does not).

I trade stocks only, breakouts. I tried Forex but I do not think it likes me :cheesy:

Anyway, this is just a friendly post to see if anyone is looking for a trading buddy who is maybe local to Sheffield or the UK, who trades the US stock market.

Thanks and kind regards,


Hi MJH, I trade stocks, and also use DeGiro
One thing if you are not familiar with DeGiro, is that yes their fees are much smaller, however any cash you hold at Degiro is not "your" cash.
In most parts of Europe, your cash is held as a "client account" whereby they can't touch your money. At Degiro its different. there is no client account
your cash goes into a pool, a fund as it were which is in itself invested. should that investment go belly up, so has your cash..
just be aware
so its not the safest house for your money, and like any good rule, you should have multiple houses for your hard earned wealth.
so whilst you are holding shares in a company all great, and you liquidate that sale into are very much at their mercy
now im not saying you're not going to get that cash, im not trying to scaremonger, but i would advise not to hold all of your proverbial eggs in Degiro
Hi Matt,

I currently trade the NQ, ES and crude but also position trade FX as well. I'm based in Almondbury near Huddersfield and would be keen to get our heads together or meet up etc.


Hi Matt,

I currently trade the NQ, ES and crude but also position trade FX as well. I'm based in Almondbury near Huddersfield and would be keen to get our heads together or meet up etc.



Hi Jay

I tried to send you a pm but it said you do not allow it. You are not far from me, I do not want to put my number or email on here as you cannot edit the posts so if you pm me then we can communicate from there if that sounds good just me know.


Hi Jay

I tried to send you a pm but it said you do not allow it. You are not far from me, I do not want to put my number or email on here as you cannot edit the posts so if you pm me then we can communicate from there if that sounds good just me know.



Hi Matt,

Having problems with PM's on here. I'm on skype as my name Jamie Harrowsmith if you want to send me a message and we'll take it from there.

