research participants?


Junior member

As part of an ongoing research within the Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, we wish to obtain information about certain aspects of decision making and information valuation on the stock market.

The following link leads to a survey directed to anyone engaged or interested in stock market investing. The questionnaire should take about 15 min or less to fill out and your responses will be kept strictly confidential. Your participation would be highly appreciated and valuable.

Department of Psychology A

Best Regards,
Mikael Segerberg, Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg
Stock market only Mikael? - or other markets as well? Happy to participate if you want my input (and obviosly no prob if you dont'). But I don't trade equities.


You dont have to be an active or experienced trader of equities to participate in this survey. I would much appreciate your input/ Mikael
due to serverproblems the survey has been down over the weekend. it is up and working again now however if you would like to participate/ Mikael
I need a few more replies before closing this survey. If you haven’t done it yet, your participation would be most appreciated. The preliminary results will be posted on this site in one or two weeks.
Kind regards/ Mikael
The survey will be up until 16/3 so there are a few days left for anyone interested in participating. Regards/ Mikael