I have been involved with Renko brick MT indicators/others.
They are ok yet brick characteristics and their usefulness are called into question by an eBooks sell page** which delivers some interesting observations rea: indicators ability to plot/bar based methods used.
The Renko-Brick Forex Trading Strategy** has me intrigued but am unwilling to hand over even it's small sell price unless I can get some observations from others here who may have knowledge of it.
I appears to be heavily involved with affiliates. Many sites have the usual click bank links etc. Not in itself a negative feature - assuming the method actually supplements/extends the methods employed by existing indicators and ultimately extends ones trading abilities...
Perhaps someone even has eBook and would consider sharing or for an agreed upon payPal price...?
Note that although not pursued in any of the freely available MT indicators, I am also wondering why none have explored idea of ignoring time periods completely and instead use incoming data ticks instead of Close[barN] type logic.
Excuse my multi-part post. The aforementioned strategy is really what I'd be keen to hear about.
Thank you
They are ok yet brick characteristics and their usefulness are called into question by an eBooks sell page** which delivers some interesting observations rea: indicators ability to plot/bar based methods used.
The Renko-Brick Forex Trading Strategy** has me intrigued but am unwilling to hand over even it's small sell price unless I can get some observations from others here who may have knowledge of it.
I appears to be heavily involved with affiliates. Many sites have the usual click bank links etc. Not in itself a negative feature - assuming the method actually supplements/extends the methods employed by existing indicators and ultimately extends ones trading abilities...
Perhaps someone even has eBook and would consider sharing or for an agreed upon payPal price...?
Note that although not pursued in any of the freely available MT indicators, I am also wondering why none have explored idea of ignoring time periods completely and instead use incoming data ticks instead of Close[barN] type logic.
Excuse my multi-part post. The aforementioned strategy is really what I'd be keen to hear about.
Thank you