Regulation-s Stock


Been reading the forums for soem time, and reading many sob stories about regulation-s stock.

Some regulatuion-s companies are actually fantastic companies, they just need PR. Obviously if they're not in the public eye, they can't raise capital. Their is a lot of 'spank', Reg-s out there, far too much. Many people are being mis-sold into these companies, but really it bubbles down to greed, stupidity, and complete lack of research. Some people amaze me, there are many very wealthy people out there, who you would imagine to have some sort of intelligence. However the amount of investors putting money into 'spank' companies is beyond belief. The reality is, when putting money into foreign markets, how much research other than looking at a companies website can you actually do? Not a lot is the answer. This is the problem when investing abroad. Recently, in my opinion the American markets have been the best of the worst. But at the same time it's not easy to buy into these markets, especially when you don't have traders on side to execute trades, especially the selling of stock.

What does make me laugh is investors, asking British bankers, on investing opinions on US stock.
There is money to be made with penny stocks it's just that most of it is made by those with the best information. Some of it inside some of it not.

But without this kind of information 'investing' in penny stocks is a sure way to the poor house. Doesn't matter if the stocks are UK or US based it's INFORMATION which sorts the winners from the losers.
Of course it's all about being on the information gravy train, and of course not being told false information. Which many people are, and do end up buying Regulation-s stock without even knowing so. Obviously, the country you're based in, is the easiest company to research. For an example, I was offered stock in a company called Natrocell @ 19p a share. The company sounded great, contracts in India, already selling products via B&Q, so on and so forth. However, when doing a bit more research, I found the company to be a complete load of tripe. Awful accounts, and stock being sold via various 'boiler rooms' accross the globe. My point is, if the company had of been American, they would of been a lot more difficult to research, as they're not 'on the doorstep' so to speak.