Recommended Threads

Recommended Threads, any good. ?

  • Yes please.

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No thanks.

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters

Crap Buddist

Senior member
This will be useful perhaps and has prob been highlighted before but can threads become auto recommended via the amounts of recommended posts in a thread say. ?

This will guide new members and old to seek out or be able to see threads which have considerable discussion and useful to read amongst the masses etc.

Think it best if it can be tied in with the current posts reco's in the thread via some sort of equation which will then drop it into most reco thread.

The recommended threads will feature in their own easy to see section.

That section being T2W Recommended Threads. Threads of distinction... 🙂

i think it might help save a few repeats from popping up every few weeks, re beginning, and make it easier for newbies to find answers perhaps. And Biblical threads will be where they should, there ready for sunday service, forever, well until the new religion dawns perhaps.
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This will be useful perhaps and has prob been highlighted before but can threads become auto recommended via the amounts of recommended posts in a thread say. ?

Bad idea as many recommended posts have little or nothing to do with trading. Although it's a good idea if you're interested in watches, fancy cars and soft porn.....
Bad idea as many recommended posts have little or nothing to do with trading. Although it's a good idea if you're interested in watches, fancy cars and soft porn.....

yah, understand that and maybe the solution would be to make the current rate thread option as a counter on trading sections excluding foyer,news, sport etc... and from that the top 100 threads(on a rolling basis to account for swelling new members clicking through their votes) of all time not just last weeks, will be accessable.
Crap Buddist said:
as a counter on trading sections

Not sure I follow. You're right though that we have 'rate thread' option in addition to the recommended posts. One or the other or a combination of the two could be used to auto-recommend the best threads to users. With so many thousands of threads, we definitely need to develop a more enhanced way of finding the wheat from the chaff.
Not sure I follow. You're right though that we have 'rate thread' option in addition to the recommended posts. One or the other or a combination of the two could be used to auto-recommend the best threads to users. With so many thousands of threads, we definitely need to develop a more enhanced way of finding the wheat from the chaff.

Hi shark. As far as i understand when someone clicks rate thread , it scores upto 5 stars no matter how many rates? why not change that into a stat type counter. 150 clicks of good thread score 150. if thats the highest score, then its a recommended thread number one.

I think the rate thread needs to be very visible so it stands out so people who may of read a 30 page thread are reminded to "do you think this thread is great/whatever ?" click here...

This will allow rolling new members over the years to read and maintain a threads rating even though it(the thread they have just read) may be many months / few years old , although because of the visibility these older threads may /will remain active. Or open to further comment from newer members perhaps.
Ah now I understand. Good suggestions, will to implement these in the near future!