Let me show you how to ‘capture’ a
TAX-FREE £28,600-£57,200 side-income, depending on stakes – just by following ‘dummy-proof’ red and green signals...
WOW!! So minimum bet, I make £28,600 pa!!! (Maximum bet I make 57 grand....this must be a socialist system that stops rich people making money - VIVA LA RESISTANCE!!!)
“Total profit £1,455!”
“The signals are very accurate in giving spot on predictions as to making pips on the Forex...a no-brainer really. What a brilliant
cash-maker this is!” –
Terry Hodgkinson
:clap: YAY Terry!!!
A plan that’s proven to work for currency newbies AND those who’ve been around the Forex block before – if you’re conservative, safely siphon £100 to £350 tax-free each week with stakes as small as 50p... or go a little higher and bring in £1,100 plus a week... all TAX FREE...
Isn't £100 per week LESS than the minimum amount?
That within 30 days you’ll be trading an average weekly Forex income of between £550 and £1,100, depending on what you want to stake.
Free Cash - GUARANTEED!!!!! :clap:
You’ll also see that my background, until now, has been in commodities and FTSE 100 stocks. I’ve helped people make great at-home incomes from these markets, using my unique ‘follow-the-professional money’ approach.
Now I’ve decided to apply the same techniques to an even BIGGER profit pool... ...The FOREX market.
This is a pool filled with £1.6 TRILLION pounds... a pool 50 times bigger than the New
York Stock Exchange... the most liquid market in the world...
The only thing is...
Ordinary people like you and I have been BARRED from swimming in it!
But all that changes – starting right now...
You are a great, great man :cheesy:
If you take up my challenge, you’ll also have to start making some tough decisions – on where that tax-free cash should go.
You could splash out on an exotic holiday... put money into something for the kids... slash a lump sum off your mortgage... just throw it straight into your bank account for a rainy day... OR add it to your trading bank and start upping your stakes slightly... for even greater wins in the future!
These are real decisions you might find yourself making sooner than you think. Because playing the Forex market – with the RIGHT TOOL – offers you a rare chance to accelerate your wealth-building dramatically...
Maybe even bring your retirement date forward by a few years...
Stocks can tumble, property can tank, the economy can shrink – but this PERMANENT bull market will keep raging till the end of time!
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu*in' Ell!!! I'm a convert already!
If you can tell green from red, you can ‘reel in’ 10, 20 and 30 pips in a single day – using this brand new ‘point-and-click’ trading tool
I'm buying it for me and my 2-year-old daughter!
When I say you need ZERO Forex experience to use this tool, I’m deadly serious.
In fact, I’d rather you DIDN’T have an interest in market psychology, price fluctuations and economic theory!
What a nice guy - saving us all that study.....
For a strictly limited period, I’m offering the entire UFXP package at a discounted ‘road test’ price of just £1,947 + VAT (Total: £2287). That’s £500 knocked off what I believe is an incredibly reasonable price to start with.
:-0 *Gasp* Fill 'yer boots!!! QUICK!!!!
I don't know about anyone else, but I want this man's children and his product - and I want them NOW!!!!!