Real-world spreadbetting



I am learning to trade, and want to use small amounts spreadbetting as a means to do so (via Capital Spreads). I am ideally looking for short-term positions (say intraday to a week or so).

1. What derivatives/stocks would be best for this, bearing in mind watching a screen during office hours may not be possible (though placing the odd bet would not be a problem)?

2. Where can I find the charts to do this? I am not after a myriad of indicators or fundamental data, just a clear candle chart and volume.

james6848 said:

I am learning to trade, and want to use small amounts spreadbetting as a means to do so (via Capital Spreads). I am ideally looking for short-term positions (say intraday to a week or so).

1. What derivatives/stocks would be best for this, bearing in mind watching a screen during office hours may not be possible (though placing the odd bet would not be a problem)?

2. Where can I find the charts to do this? I am not after a myriad of indicators or fundamental data, just a clear candle chart and volume.


Trade any stock you like, a week or so is quite a long time and definately long enough for you to decide you have insufficient funds to continue.

Try going in to and customise as you seem fit.
Lots of luck
1) simple, safe place is index futures, or individual share. FX moves to fast, other markets are a bit too turgid and dull

2) dont necessarily need charts. simple open/hi/low/close numbers are all you need sometimes..

then again, it helps to be able to view numbers in your head. might not be for everyones taste 🙂

you've done well chosing CS though as a start point.. one of the better SB accounts. but remember to keep several accounts in case one goes down..
Hi Guys,
I've been dabbling in single UK shares. Had some good results and some not so good results. What is interesting is that the bad outcomes have occured when I have been influenced by others and rushed into a trade. A lesson learnt.

Oh yeah - I'm also trying to not get intimidated by those who say you need 50K starting capital. I wish. I sometimes feel like a kid who has gatecrashed a dinner party, do you know what I mean?
james6848 said:
I'm also trying to not get intimidated by those who say you need 50K starting capital.
I think you know better than to be "intimidated" by anything quite so ludicrous, James. 🙂
Roberto said:
I think you know better than to be "intimidated" by anything quite so ludicrous, James. 🙂

I know, I know - but when you are starting out these things do tend to stick in your mind 😱
If you want to spread-bet on futures, another alternative that you should look into is direct access to the exchange. This might save you money on commission costs, and possibly help you to avoid other headaches. My firm, Global Futures, offers free trials of several computerized trading platforms, some of which have charting software attached. You might want to try one of them out.
Other firms offer direct access to the exchanges for stocks. I'm sure that they have free trials of their trading platforms, too.