Real time charts?

Phil Mibbutz

Experienced member
Is there a SB firm that gives live real-time charts for the actual price they're quoting on indices? Failing that, anyone know of a web site that does live charts for futures, preferably free?! Thanks.
CMC also has the functionality you require. They also have the full range of indicators, line drawing tools etc., etc.
real time graphs

Capital Spreads does that and also has the usual indicators and graphs. Works as a java app in windows and is updating all the time. Very useful.

Anyone have any ideas as to the best solution for backtesting ideas on historical intra day data for indexes. e.g dow

Thanks for that. I have a Capital Spreads demo account, but I thought the charts there were delayed by 15 minutes. Presumably you get the live version if you sign up for the real thing and deposit some money?
Phil Mibbutz said:
Thanks for that. I have a Capital Spreads demo account, but I thought the charts there were delayed by 15 minutes.

No worries

Phil Mibbutz said:
Presumably you get the live version if you sign up for the real thing and deposit some money?

You do indeed 🙂