RE: Chat Room

Hill Farmer

Active member
How many chat rooms are there now on trade2win? Logged in during the week and there was a boot camp plus others. No longer there. Just logged into trade2win and only 3 names including me. Either everyone is down the pub, there are only 3 of us viz @X, +Siry2k and me or I'm in the wrong room. Which?
Hi Hill,

You were certainly in the wrong room as there were over 15 of us all day in the correct room...make sure you choose and connect to Othernet:Random server from mirc options by clicking files..then Trade2Win..

You do that and you win.. 🙂


Why cant you get into the Daytrade chat room without using Mirc?? I have tried on a number of occasion typing in the instructions but to no avail.
Hi John,

If you’ve got Mirc, can you start it, then from the Mirc options choose ‘Other: Random server’, Click ‘Connect to IRC server’ and from Mirc channel folder where it asks you to enter name of channel to join write #Trade2Win and click Join…and see if it takes you to the chat room…I’ll keep my name there so you know if you’ve come to the correct room..

Hi Uncle,

Sorry I missed your question.. (if you have any website issues, always post them in the T2W feedback forum, I always read ecach and every post, even if most of 'em happen to be my own!🙂 )

After clicking the link Via the Website you should get a blue box on the screen, with a space to change your nick from Guest, and a button that says "Connect Now!". Now if all is well and good, clicking this button should take you straight to the #trade2win room. Now if it doesn't then I'm wondering a few things, does it give you an error message? What browser are you using? Does your browser have java enabled? Are you behind a firewall - ie. is your computer on a network? Any of these things might potentially cause problems.

Let me know how it goes,


ps. You can now add links to the Trading Links section, if your logged in as a BB member. Read all about it in the T2W Website News Forum
Chat Room

dont have a problem getting to the Chat Room, but when i type int he instructions to get into the day trading room i either get booted or no response
Are we missing something here? #trade2win IS the day trading chat room.......
#trade2win-ta is the Tech. Anal. room
ditto -US is the US Stock trading room
ditto - Pub is the lounge
ditto -boot-camp is the beginners room

Any help?

PS I've seen you in the day trading room recently....
Re: Chat Room

Just been to the chatroom (9-55pm) and only @X there. Is this right?

Uncle said:
dont have a problem getting to the Chat Room, but when i type int he instructions to get into the day trading room i either get booted or no response