

Well-known member
Can anyone assist with this question please? If I am following the progress of a Nasdaq stock and want to monitor its progress against the nearest equivalent futures, is there a futures price for each indidual Nasdaq stock or would I examine the Nasdaq stock under examination against the main Nasdaq Index futures?

Many thanks,
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Johnny T

Hi there, I've edited my post to make it a little more specific in what it is I am trying to achieve. I tried to type in NQ but nothing happened.

Best wishes,
Try NQ03U for Nasdaq 100 futures (for use with q charts of quote.com).

Not sure you can get futures prices using Livecharts (free version).
Hi Sean,
ES03U for S&P stocks for S&P 500 stocks
NQ03U for Nasdaq stocks for Nasdaq 100 stocks
Kind wishes,
Thanks Richard. PM coming over with today's paper trading results.

Best wishes,
Pretty damn good for a beginner on a difficult day.
Well done, sir!
Quote.com (Lycos)

Are any other members experiencing difficulties with this Quote.com? I find it very temperamental. Sometimes it works and sometimes it just freezes for ages. Sometimes charts just do not appear. Try and get hold of them? It's a joke really.

Yes I had this yesterday the charts did not appear. There live help that was offered was to "insert a ticker" for the charts to display!!! i kid yeh not

I basically just left the screen open and eventually they came on and no problems since, only looked at them for this past week so no other problems to report
This happened to me yesterday & today,close lycos then reopen -worked for me
Regards Alan
Q Charts 'Freezing'

Ctrl Alt N should give you a drop down to change server.
Select any new server, double click and give it about 10 - 20 seconds to refresh.
Usually does the trick.
Hi Busyboy,

I have problems with Quote.com too. It does get kinda boring.

You say Ctrl Alt N should give you a drop down to change server. How exactly do I do this? I've pressed Ctrl Alt N on the LiveCharts page but it doesn't appear to do anything. Could you elaborate? Thanks in advance.
Am actively looking at Tenfore systems for data on us stocks and charting anyone out there using this already?