Quick academic survey - in return for an Amazon Voucher prize draw?


Hi there lovely trading community!

I'm currently studying a Computer Science degree and I have to provide a business plan with my thesis, so I'm conducting a quick survey to find out more about my target market (individual investors, traders and potential future investors/traders in the stock market) for my business idea.

I wonder whether you'd be able to take a quick (less than 5 mins) survey for my thesis? There'll be a prize draw for an Amazon voucher (£20/$35/whatever currency) for anyone that wants to be entered into it!

The link to follow:

SentiSense Broking (Steve's thesis business plan)

Also if you could pass it on to anyone else you can think of that is in this target market, I would be incredibly grateful!

I'll need to collate all this information in the next 7 days, so not long at all to gather results. But any help would be very appreciated! 😀


What is your business idea?

It's essentially a discount brokerage that offers some high tech services as standard to try and even the playing field with trading firms for individual traders and investors.

So I'm just trying to gather some opinion from the potential market 🙂
I tried to do the survey, but there is a problem with Q8

I can't rate seem to rate two features equally without them 'deselecting' the previous choice. Maybe I am doing something wrong..

Hi new_trader!

Q8 requires you to rank the options uniquely, so you have to decide which is most important, then second most important, then third...etc.

Although some might be equally as important in practice (some might argue an algorithmic trading strategy without comprehensive market data is a bit useless...), the idea is to work out which feature is more important to you as a trader/investor.

Hope that clears things up! And thanks so much for participating 🙂

Hi new_trader!

Q8 requires you to rank the options uniquely, so you have to decide which is most important, then second most important, then third...etc.

Although some might be equally as important in practice (some might argue an algorithmic trading strategy without comprehensive market data is a bit useless...), the idea is to work out which feature is more important to you as a trader/investor.

Hope that clears things up! And thanks so much for participating 🙂


Thanks, I figured it out when I re-read the question and saw it said 'rank' and not 'rate'. I deleted my post but obviously not quick enough...🙂
Caution: you will end up spending all your pennies.

alphadude, you're right it will take a lot to get it up and running, but the potential profits are huuuuge!

Profit and loss over 5 years, although a very scary first couple of years of burning money, shows it's well worth starting one up 😉 I think the initial investment obviously scares a lot of investors, plus being able to differentiate the service from hundreds of other stock brokers...