Questions about wire transferring for European trading

Hello all! New member here. The main reason I joined the forum is to learn about some technical procedures regarding the transactions that I wish I will make.

This is the general reason, but the current motive that made me join here was the fact that I don't understand anything about wire transferring. I want to open an account at ChoiceTrade and at the fees section I noticed that I will be charged $60 for outgoing foreign wires. Let me say that I live in Greece, I am a citizen here and never lived in USA but I want to trade US stock options.

Here comes the first question. Does that mean that if I want to open a cash account starting with $1000 for trading, I will be charged $60 dollars of that cash to be transferred to a US bank or something? So it's just for setting up the account? Or does it mean that I will be using my current bank account but I will be charged $60 dollars for each transaction? This sounds silly now that I am writing it, but I have to make sure I understand it completely and won't be surprised in the future.

And something more that I don't understand. Who exactly charges this fee for the wire transfer? Is it a US bank or another preferred bank of each brokerage firm? It certainly isn't my country's bank, right?

If you could also explain what is the routing of my cash from the time I set up my account to the point where I buy an option, I really would appreciate it.

Furthermore, are there any other fees I should be aware of in your experience? There are wire transfer fees (now I'm aware of it), brokerage commission fees and the commission fees that I will have to pay the bank here to make the transactions (now I don't know if this will be paid only at the start for the wire transfer or in every transaction; you will tell me).

Sorry for the noob questions. lol And thank you in advance! 🙂

EDIT: I apologise for the obscured meaning of the title. I created the thread before finishing it.
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