Question to oil deals



since I never closed deals with oil, I have a few questions.
I established very good contacts to the Iraq SOMO (State Oil Marketing Organization) and I am in the position to get potential buyers the possibility to get the acceptance of bid from Iraq SOMO,so I am looking to establish contacts to buyers. I planned to make NCND agreements to ensure fees for my brokerage, but the question remains, how to establish contacts. How can they trust me? What to I need to be trusted? How can get in contact with the right people?

Thanks in advance

Steffen from Germany
I would never make deals with Irakies .....😎
Are you crasy :?:
Better trade futurecontracts on oil and let the account in London , they are criminal
enough to robb your account ....😆

nice joke my friend
The problem is not the dealing with the Iraq, it is the problem for me to find the right people to buy. The deal in Iraq is with the SOMO, they wont rob you, but not everyone can make deals with them, and I can. Moreover I think you dont know what i meant. It is not about trading futures but abou trading physical oil.
We ony trade contracts here on the forum .....
Oil is to heavy to buy and sell physicaly ... the costs for transport and charges
will kill you at the end , so you better calculate your trades ...
That is the reason why the banks allways laught at us , they get money for nothing .
The bank eat the futurestraders eat the firms ....:cheesy:

So works the bad world😈

It looks like you want to be an oil "broker", as opposed to an oil futures "trader".

I do not think you will find the answers you are looking for on this forum.
The majority of the members here electronically trade futures contracts and equities and do not engage in the tangible supply chain for physical oil.
However, maybe someone who knows the details for moving physical oil will come along.

You may want to search online for wholesale oil brokers and vendors and related supply chain management, which I am sure you are already doing... 🙂

Viel Glück !
I'm not sure if this is the right place to search buyers for physical oil. You are searching for people of different status.You will not find them among the scum.
Oil is quite complex to trade physically...any goon can take a punt on the futures market. What's your background?