Question to every day trader


Junior member
I have a question to every day trader out there especially successful ones. Is this a passion of yours? And do you feel like that you should not do day trading if its not a passion of yours? I feel you can become successful doing things you hate but makes it way harder and alot more discipline is required.
It was someday, I am comfortable with trading, but I can't say that it's something "Oh wow it's so thrilling"
Like every work, someday it becomes smth ordinary for you
Yes, absolutely, as with anything in live you have to have a passion for it to succeed...
Not passion for me. I was p*ssed off they were taking my money. So I just wanted revenge.

But I am in the wrong thread. I am not a day trader. I trade minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, whatever it takes until they hand over their money.
With me, it is an interesting pastime for a retiree. I use low stakes, because I've lived too long to want to risk more, so am unlikely to make a fortune out of it.

I know how to do it, though. I think.:whistling
I have a question to every day trader out there especially successful ones. Is this a passion of yours? And do you feel like that you should not do day trading if its not a passion of yours? I feel you can become successful doing things you hate but makes it way harder and alot more discipline is required.

Yes, passion isn't too strong a word for it. Nothing else will motivate you to put in the time and effort, not even money (if you ever make any). The reason I don't trade longer time frames is simply because I don't have the drive to do so. I think this is the point many longer term traders don't understand when they give (well meaning) advice to newbies. I don't understand why you would day trade if you hate it. It's the recipe failure and ruin. If trading isn't a passion, why put yourself through it. Find a normal job that's bearable or, dare I say it, you enjoy. Good Luck
It's said that the happiest people around are those who do as a job what they would otherwise do as a hobby.
There's a wide expanse between passion and hatred. I find daytrading intriguing and even fascinating, but that is due largely to my background. But passion? No. I reserve that for more important things.

What novice daytraders lack is not passion but self-discipline and patience, not to mention a trading plan. If one doesn't want to "put himself through" the process of developing such a plan, then he has no business trading, day or otherwise, anymore than someone who wants to open a store or whatever has any business doing so without first developing a business plan.