Q1 2012 Dividend for Banco Santander (STD)


Junior member
I had been following their pass histories. I know that they distribute dividends 4 times a year, for every quarter.

However, I realize during Q1 2012 result announcement, there are no dividend information being mentioned. Just like any other stocks, I always expect dividend announcement being made, same day as financial result.

1Q 2012: Banco Santander registered attributable net profit of EUR 1.604 billion, down 24%, after provisions for NPLs rose 51% to EUR 3.127 billion

However, I saw this is not the case. If so, when I can expect dividend for Q1 2012 being announced? I expect there is no dividend cut for this year, as in Q4 2011,

Santander will maintain its dividend at 60 cents a share, Chairman Emilio Botin said in a statement.

Bank Santander Profit Drops 24% on Provisions, U.K. Slump - Bloomberg

I look at the financial event, Banco Santander, S.A. (ADR): NYSE:STD quotes & news - Google Finance but unable to find dividend related information.
