Pulsar Capital and Patak Trading type prop firms


Good afternoon all, its been several months since my last post but I'm back and have a question. Does anyone know of any prop trading firms with a business model like Pulsar Capital and Patak Trading Partners LLC? By this I mean they don't require any capital contribution but will only hire you as a trader if you can complete a few weeks in a supervised live trading simulation? Thanks for any recommendations and please excuse any typos or punctuation errors, I'm typing this from my smartphone.
I've been in the TopStepTrader/Patak Trading setup met the profit objective and they still denied me access to live capital because of some slippage on a stop fill that put me over the loss limit by $5. Going into the last 5 days of my tryout my profit accumulation was about $3000usd...I needed to hit 5k. The last 4 days I got much more aggressive. With one day to go I was @-$2. The last day I traded Yen futures and Ultra-T Bond futures perfectly making a $5,025 profit. The scouts ****ed me over stating I wasn't within their guidelines. TST's setup is "subjective" and they refused to give me the benefit of the doubt despite proving the capability to make winning trades in stocks index futures, bonds, currencies.

I want to give pulsar a shot and they seem to be straight forward and have the capital.
Be careful with TopStep..... They seem to change their trading parameters.... And I've never known a trader to go live with them.
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