Proven traded looking for a better gig

So i was recently laid off from my prop firm (thank god... I was going to quit, since my payout was 38%) over some personal issues and disagreements. I have about 21k in liquid equity saved up.

Also I have done very well on my personal account trading options. I am very much considering broadening my securities' trading to options, currencies, or futures since they are so much newer and yet to be over-regulated, over-taxed. Any ideas?

I am willing to relocate, rather eager to relocate. Preferrably to somewhere warm...

PM me at [email protected] if you think you might be able to help me out with making decisions, i dont want to miss much more of this ridiculous market.


  • September P+L, volume& fees.xls
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I'm guessing he's in SA and wants to move somewhere with a smaller bullet-in-your-face count.

I know someone on here trades in Thailand, forget who.