- New Prop/Arcade Community Site Launched Today


Today, we're very pleased to announce the launch of a brand new community site targeted solely at the prop and arcade trading community.

The new community site is called PROPboards and is now live here:

Since it's brand new, you won't find a lot of discussion going on (yet!), but we hope that over time it will serve as a great resource for all prop and arcade traders.

While T2W will continue to be a one-stop shop for all types of traders, we wanted to give prop and arcade traders a dedicated site because, to our knowledge, there's no such place on the web right now.


just thinking about it, is there any easy way of migrating some threads and users from t2w over there?
seriously I took a look and it all looks promising. Whether or not these things actually take root or not is of course pretty hit and miss but it's got every chance.
Arabian: it's possible, for instance we could move over some of the existing threads in the trading arcade and trading for a firm. I'm holding off from doing so right now because our current thinking is to continue to support all types of traders here on T2W, but establish a brand new community that appeals to the non-retail trader who perhaps wouldn't find a more general trading forum such as T2W quite so appealing.

GJ: Glad you think so, it'll take some time to really get established that's for sure, but we're also marketing it externally via google, facebook and twitter so hoping to attract prop traders directly; as well as from T2W.
Would you believe there were already two spammers on it last night, feck knows how they found it!
"If your interested in this forum, you might want to take a look at - a brand new community specifically targeted at Prop and Arcade Traders. Read the Full Announcement."
All due respect an' all an' all, but I would have thought that for an official announcement, someone might have run that one by a grammar/spelling-in-context checker/another human. (Hint: 2nd word).
Right, the copywriter is getting the sack... Oh, wait, that's me.. arghh!

Thanks for spotting it, all fixed now!