Prop Shop in Melbourne Australia



I know that liquid, IMC, Propex, Tibra and Optiver all operate out of Sydney. Does anyone know of any prop shops operating out of Melbourne?
As far as finance goes, I think the general rule is Super funds in Melb, everything else is in Sydney.

I do know there's a couple of hedge funds in Melb though, and some other groups, but by and large, Sydney is the financial city.
I just don't understand why there aren't any prop shops in Melbourne yet... I think that given the complete absence of one, it be very lucrative - a monopoly, to set one up!!
I just don't understand why there aren't any prop shops in Melbourne yet... I think that given the complete absence of one, it be very lucrative - a monopoly, to set one up!!

hi guys i am looking to open a prop shop in melbourne please register intrest so i can see if there is a market. if i can get 5- 10 people interested my firm will offer the best rates bar none plus superior connectivity (faster execution). and the the desk fees are very fair!! if there is enough interest the london branch will open a melbourne branch within the month!
hi guys i am looking to open a prop shop in melbourne please register intrest so i can see if there is a market. if i can get 5- 10 people interested my firm will offer the best rates bar none plus superior connectivity (faster execution). and the the desk fees are very fair!! if there is enough interest the london branch will open a melbourne branch within the month!

Wow good on you 🙂 .. I didn't realise people still read this thread !!
very keen to do business i think there is an oppurtunity there, so tell your mates and if they join you get a share of round trips

I'm in Melbourne and would keen to chat to you about this too.


or anyone else that can help us start a room in Melbourne.

I would like to start or join a trading arcade somewhere in Melbourne, Australia.... but I am not sure of the costs / risks involved.

Not sure about a Prop shop, doesn't that include putting up capital for the traders?

Maybe I need a better definition. I am looking for a live, in-person trading room, with other retail traders. (Trading Arcade Definition | Investopedia)

any places in Melbourne? I have an organization of 300 retail Forex traders at and I have had several inquiries about it.

hi guys i am looking to open a prop shop in Melbourne please register interest so i can see if there is a market. if i can get 5- 10 people interested my firm will offer the best rates bar none plus superior connectivity (faster execution). and the the desk fees are very fair!! if there is enough interest the London branch will open a Melbourne branch within the month!

Hello, Just wondering if you had any reply's to this message and anything eventuated resulting in an office being established?

Look forward to hearing from you soon.