Profitable model - what deal is possible with existing portfolio managers?


Junior member
Let’s say I have a model which did 40.11% CAGR with max draw 10.70% since 2010 in static portfolio of 24 markets, annualized Sharpe is 1.47 and positive skew is 0.95. I have 4 months of live results for now, but I am planning to have at least 1 year.

I would like to manage larger capital for a fee, but I don’t want to start a fund, since I am not a businessman but inventor/engineer. Many funds went down, because engineers started them and could not run them later. They lacked qualifications.

If I would to go to portfolio manager in licensed hedge fund/CTA and offered my expertise to create such returns, what deal (if any) I can count on? What is the standard? How to approach it?

If this would not work what are my other options apart from prop firm? This model’s trade duration is on average 10 days, so it is not suitable for prop firms earning on intraday volume.
have you tried fundseeder? they do say that setting up a fund is not the only route for traders listed with them.
have you tried fundseeder? they do say that setting up a fund is not the only route for traders listed with them.

Yes, thank you for the suggestion.

I am listed there. But minimum account is 50 000 USD to be listed in leaderboard.
just thought i'd pass along a name I saw for the first time today: quantiacs. Might be of interest?
Looks like the "old fashioned" method of a smart suit and tie and call in on Funds Headquarters to allow you to show them your whizzo program.
If you don't like all the strings attached they would put on you I suggest you find a friendly trader who can actually earn money with it on a 50/50 basis. Have to trust him though and get an enforceable contract.

Your system would have to be a lot better than the trader's existing method to make changing worthwhile.

Good luck
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Let’s say I have a model which did 40.11% CAGR with max draw 10.70% since 2010 in static portfolio of 24 markets, annualized Sharpe is 1.47 and positive skew is 0.95. I have 4 months of live results for now, but I am planning to have at least 1 year.

I would like to manage larger capital for a fee, but I don’t want to start a fund, since I am not a businessman but inventor/engineer. Many funds went down, because engineers started them and could not run them later. They lacked qualifications.

If I would to go to portfolio manager in licensed hedge fund/CTA and offered my expertise to create such returns, what deal (if any) I can count on? What is the standard? How to approach it?

If this would not work what are my other options apart from prop firm? This model’s trade duration is on average 10 days, so it is not suitable for prop firms earning on intraday volume.

You'll have to back test more, your are basically tested only in a bull stock market... Do at least 1 full market cycle to see how this is going to perform in a bear market...

After all that, get a second mortgage, loans, money from friends and family... you should be able to round up 500k to a 1mil to start I would guess... Automate the whole thing and let the compounding make you a very rich man in 10-20 years...
"I have 4 months of live results for now, but I am planning to have at least 1 year. "

I think that is the problem. I invest in some individuals but I need track record usually of atleast 2 to 3 years live trading. In that 2 to 3 years i need to see atleast 700 trades. Swing trading records i need atleast 5 min. Very few people will take a chance on you with 4 months live
The pool of individuals with a good record over 5 years swing trading their own capital, who then need external capital, and have not yet been approached, must be very small?
The pool of individuals with a good record over 5 years swing trading their own capital, who then need external capital, and have not yet been approached, must be very small?

Yeah, but you need atleast a couple of years with a good record. Think of it like a business, either have the ability to sell your product or idea to investors. However, most business take a couple of years building their brand.
This user posted only from May 2017 to January 2018.
It tells a lot about the difficulty of designing a solid system and producing a decent trackrecord.
Promising backtests ansd few months are not so difficult...
Hi guys, I found some interesting information about the Algorand blockchain, which solved the "blockchain trilemma". It is said that the next few years will come a time when Algorand will be the transition to blockchain, and many governments, multinationals are switching to cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and Algorand already has ties with them. Has anyone heard of this?
[Probably best moved to a more appropriate section, but anyway]

Lots of |Grand Ambitions, but little substance.

Destined for obscurity- not mineable, not properly decentralised and not really a cryptocurrency at all.

Has it's uses, but won't be ousting Bitcoin or Ether any time soon, - or likely ever.

Hi, You can think about creating a fund (AMC), trading in that fund, creating a trake record and with that you can attract many clients. I can help create the infrastructure at little cost.
Hi, You can think about creating a fund (AMC), trading in that fund, creating a trake record and with that you can attract many clients. I can help create the infrastructure at little cost.
The user has either been so successful that he is now a billionaire based on the returns he quoted or he's onto the next strategy....