Price the daily hedge of this Asian put for me


Legendary member
What is the estimated option price of a daily hedge for an Asian put option in a physical GBM market with 5% excess return p.a. and the following specification?
· Strike K = 100,
· Maturity T = 6 months
· Volatility sigma = 40%
· Initial stock price = 100
· Interest rate = 5%

(Anyone who susses my little plan shusssshh)
What is the estimated option price of a daily hedge for an Asian put option in a physical GBM market with 5% excess return p.a. and the following specification?
· Strike K = 100,
· Maturity T = 6 months
· Volatility sigma = 40%
· Initial stock price = 100
· Interest rate = 5%

(Anyone who susses my little plan shusssshh)

You never cease to baffle me and make me feel very stoopid! :cry:
I think while on vacation Cap'n Arab has really been drinking way too much. That's the only explanation I can come up with for him asking completely absurd question like that!
Well, I just mean that it's an ill-formed question, which makes it completely nonsensical.
Price it yourself


  • Static_Hedging_of_Asian_Options_under_Levy_Models_(Albrecher_Dhaene_Goovaerts_Schoutens)_2003.pdf
    198.9 KB · Views: 395
tbh I just copied and pasted it from some competition wilmott spammed me

I don't even know what I could win

I'll hang my head in shame now :)
On an unrelated note, anyone reading the Metro today may have noticed those crime statistics they printed. Quite interesting really, I had no idea that 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape...