Price change ( PnL ) for Wheat, Soybeans and Corn ....


I was looking over website, looking at the quotes for the Futures , and saw that they list the PnL of the Grains in a different way, then other websites I have seen ( I have attached a screenshot )

If I am breaking it down correctly,

for Soybeans for instance .....

it showed 970.75 as it's current price ( earlier this morning )

a PnL of -7.50

and a percent change 0f -0.77%

So I converted 970.75 to .... 9.7075 ( moved the decimal two places to the left )

Then I converted the 7.50 to ..... .0750 ( by also moving the decimal two places to the left )

For a loss in Soybeans of -$375

Just want to make sure that I am converting this way of the price change ( -7.50 ) correctly

And lastly please, using the above example .....

can 7.50 also be written as ..... 7'4 and 7 4/8 ?

I only ask, because I see that certain websites write the price changes for the Grains, different from one another

I have attached a screenshot, showing the PnL for the three Grains

Thanks for the help ,

I really appreciate it


  • 2015-06-18 19_21_11-Commodity Trading Prices - Internet Explorer.png
    2015-06-18 19_21_11-Commodity Trading Prices - Internet Explorer.png
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