Precognitive is cheating, but its legal


The best method to mitigate risk and enhance reward is to cheat.:cool: I will give you some examples. This example shows both the precognitive chart on GE and the actual trading pathway of GE for July 8th. The precognitive chart is showing you where GE is going to go in the next few hours of trading. The actual chart shows you where GE real ly went. Long or Short, bull market or bear market, it does not matter. See (know) the pathway before you trade it. Hedge each major intraday move with options for risk mitigation and enhanced dividend, and Ka-Ching! Any questions on how to cheat?:smart:


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Didnt see that coming.

Your precognitive calls for the next week will be greatly anticipated.thanks.
eager to learn where I can buy this precognitive method.
I'm surprised he didn't PM you with a response before you asked trendie.

For $99 you too can 'gain an unfair advantage in the financial market world'.
Remote Viewing and Dowsing Products

However here's the rub.

Even if one does develop the powers (and the full course takes much time and study)
it doesn't make a trader. Despite precog knowledge their forum still highlights the many issues newbies have on any trading forum.

Remote Viewing Community - View forum - Remote Viewing Financial Markets DVD

I think Yogi was nearer the mark...
Yak Yak Yak

Yak Yak Yak Yak Yak:LOL:

So many experts that know nothing, U got Zero content dog daddies .:sleep:

If you can do it for $99, you got a deal baby! ...grab it. :clap:

What powers? :whistling It is simply human concentration, attention. Theres no occult power here baby, just focused intent. Its the same thing you do when you see a pretty girl, you focus with all your attention. At least I do. You know something good that does not require time and study? Whats wrong with the application of time and study, I think thats why they invented colleges and books. To improve. If your going to throw precog in the trash bucket why not do the same to colleges and learning in general? There are some countries where they do that you know, they are in the newpaper everyday. thumbsup:

Bramble baby, whats a PM? Sounds like something you do to somebody else. Is that a homosexual thing?:innocent: I'm not into that stuff.

Any questions about TA and precoge? Any questions about the future price path of GE, the Dow or do we just want to react and criticize? Anybody here to really learn about trading, making money by trading, or did you just come here to express our discontent.(n)

Trendie...I'd love to show you more stuff next week. Send an email. I am not going to post daily live precog charts here, the wolfs are hungry for blood. :devilish: I'll post a few after the fact. If you want to buy a course on precog learning. try a webb search. Mine came the hard way, I had to look at a lot of pretty girls:)

Chew on this one experts:


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Its the same thing you do when you see a pretty girl, you focus with all your attention. At least I do.

That's called stalking

I am not going to post daily live precog charts here, the wolfs are hungry for blood. :devilish: I'll post a few after the fact.

How convenient. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

I'm experiencing a pre-cognitive moment now. Or is it deja-vu.. smells of something anyway.
Trendie...I'd love to show you more stuff next week. Send an email. I am not going to post daily live precog charts here, the wolfs are hungry for blood. :devilish: I'll post a few after the fact. If you want to buy a course on precog learning. try a webb search. Mine came the hard way, I had to look at a lot of pretty girls:)

Chew on this one experts:

after the fact doesnt work for me, as it undermines the precog bit.

I suppose you can guess my answer to the email bit.
thanks anyway.

(am I bored or what! posting on every other thread. I promised I would cut down. anyone have a T2W patch to reduce my cravings?)
The best method to mitigate risk and enhance reward is to cheat.:cool: I will give you some examples. This example shows both the precognitive chart on GE and the actual trading pathway of GE for July 8th. The precognitive chart is showing you where GE is going to go in the next few hours of trading. The actual chart shows you where GE real ly went. Long or Short, bull market or bear market, it does not matter. See (know) the pathway before you trade it. Hedge each major intraday move with options for risk mitigation and enhanced dividend, and Ka-Ching! Any questions on how to cheat?:smart:


I'm sure you will appreciate that T2W members get fed up with vendors seeking to find some way or another to sell their wares. So I guess you should have foreseen the initial response to your post and it should not have evoked the aggressive response you gave, which is not in keeping with the civilised way members want the site to run.

In addition, Bramble is right in his response to your post on another thread, that you should register as a vendor if you are associated with the site you quoted.



You either didn't see or ignored my post so I've deleted your latest.


ps:.............and Bramble's quick fire response
yes, that's the one, tony, (you just got it in again you little devil you!!)
yes, that's the one, tony, (you just got it in again you little devil you!!)

Warning: Barjon is a precog mod. He starts fingering his delete button when members start thinking about submitting a rule-breaching post :whistling
Yak Yak Yak Yak Yak:LOL:

So many experts that know nothing, U got Zero content dog daddies .:sleep:

If you can do it for $99, you got a deal baby! ...grab it. :clap:

What powers? :whistling It is simply human concentration, attention. Theres no occult power here baby, just focused intent. Its the same thing you do when you see a pretty girl, you focus with all your attention. At least I do. You know something good that does not require time and study? Whats wrong with the application of time and study, I think thats why they invented colleges and books. To improve. If your going to throw precog in the trash bucket why not do the same to colleges and learning in general? There are some countries where they do that you know, they are in the newpaper everyday. thumbsup:

Bramble baby, whats a PM? Sounds like something you do to somebody else. Is that a homosexual thing?:innocent: I'm not into that stuff.

Any questions about TA and precoge? Any questions about the future price path of GE, the Dow or do we just want to react and criticize? Anybody here to really learn about trading, making money by trading, or did you just come here to express our discontent.(n)

Trendie...I'd love to show you more stuff next week. Send an email. I am not going to post daily live precog charts here, the wolfs are hungry for blood. :devilish: I'll post a few after the fact. If you want to buy a course on precog learning. try a webb search. Mine came the hard way, I had to look at a lot of pretty girls:)

Chew on this one experts:

well, you told you so!
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Now I know why nobody else here is doing precog, it's a science of consciousness and it requires at least a little refinement of functioning mind.

"The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking." Albert Einstein

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." same guy!

Now I suppose those great minds that just rejoiced amoung themselves at deleting my posts and debunking precog will spend sufficent amounts of their mental and emotional energy on debunking these words as well. What a waste you engage in.

Good Luck and Good Bye
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So, you're saying I should open up photoshop, close my eyes and doodle, and whatever shape I come up with will represent the market movement for the next day?
Re: Yak Yak Yak

Trendie...I'd love to show you more stuff next week. Send an email. I am not going to post daily live precog charts here, the wolfs are hungry for blood. :devilish: I'll post a few after the fact.

So you are going to showcase your precognitivie abilities by showing charts after the fact?

Fantastic, this is surely the best way to show your forecasting skills.

In other news - I predict it's going to rain heavily in Bangkok last night.
I had a precognitive thought once but I wish I knew in advance it was coming.
