Positions and Stops


Stocks Positions and Stops

I am searching for an online brokerage service offering a browser-based trading platform (i use a Mac) for stock trading where I can see in a single window my positions, the stops associated with each position, and the current Bid/Ask for each particular stock. All the systems I have looked at so far require that one look at two windows separately.

Could anyone offer any leads?

G. Correa
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GCI Trading is a CFD broker and they have Java based web platform of one you can download (your choice) and has on one page the prices, your account, positions, everything you need, except charts. They do have a chart system too (free)

You can get a free trial kinda paper trading thing to trade with

Its very good
And http://www.globalfutures.com/ They offer $500 margins to trade the YM and S&P and if you ask them they will go down as low as $300 margin. this is great if are looking for leverage.

They also offer browser-based trading platform ,if you want that.
