Portal idea - Please let me know what you think


Hi all,

I am putting together a proposal for an independent, ad free portal that is designed to provide tools for retail traders. This might include:
Educational pages
--Technical analysis
--Indicator development
--Trading system development
• Trade sharing
--There appears to be increasing demand for people wanting to publish their trade (would you want to?)
• A space for brokers to publish morning reports
• Partnerships with news providers etc that can be subscribed to
• Charts
• Tool for developing and sharing automated trading strategies
• Tools for analysing trades and profitability
• Mentoring system

Please could you let me know what you think of the idea, whether you might use it and if you have any ideas that you would like to see included.

Any thoughts very much appreciated.

i don't understand why ad-free?
you need to cover your costs somehow...

like this site (Forexpros) - has lots of ads, but also provides free real time quotes, and tools and what not...

personally, i don't really care about ads, as long as the content/data is excellent...
It has great potential imho if you are not seen as :-

a) having been bought and controlled by the sponsors i.e. only allowing their material on the site. There are lots of people who would like to share/sell their creations from back bedrooms. Many will be rubbish but some will be good stuff.

b) restrictive on comment.

take note T2W
Hi all,

I am putting together a proposal for an independent, ad free portal that is designed to provide tools for retail traders. This might include:
Educational pages
--Technical analysis
--Indicator development
--Trading system development
• Trade sharing
--There appears to be increasing demand for people wanting to publish their trade (would you want to?)
• A space for brokers to publish morning reports
• Partnerships with news providers etc that can be subscribed to
• Charts
• Tool for developing and sharing automated trading strategies
• Tools for analysing trades and profitability
• Mentoring system

Please could you let me know what you think of the idea, whether you might use it and if you have any ideas that you would like to see included.

Any thoughts very much appreciated.


Focus on getting profitable first, then you might be able to create something of value.

For example - "Indicator development" - indicators have very little to do with trading profitably and more to do with mental masturbation for programmers who are also wannabee traders.

Put stuff like this up there and anyone that accesses your site will have the same problem that they have with any other trading site - filtering out the considerable noise.

Of much more use would be a site that focuses on a single approach to trading, does not deviate and builds up experience amongst its base.
Hi all,

Thanks for your thoughts. Keep them coming.
Just to clarify, we would not need to monetise the portal to start off with.
My core focus would be to gain a significant number of members. The core idea is to build a community that is used and loved by traders in large numbers.

tough moderation plz

one nick per member

clear indication of member's location

no off topic photos and pictures (no need to have LOLing idiots)
It's a saturated market that you propose to enter. All this stuff is already avialable although it may not be all in one place. The chances of you gaining traction/membership and continued usage without a special USP (s) is low. The real problem is, and this site is a good example, it will come down to a core few that habitually visit the site of what may well be (but odds are against you) a large registered user base. This is because of the high attrition of retail traders. Ie this site boasts 255k ' registered users/members ' but there are almost certainly less than 1% that actually visit the site regularly and of those x % won't be around in a years time.

I wouldn't watse my time of something that is low in probability of success because of the nature of the market you are seeking to serve.

Your best chance is to find a niche or otherwise USP.

You probably have enough content / idea's there for 10 different sites.

The main problem is there's nothing new, that doesnt already exist elsewhere. If the idea is to generate some form of revenue from the site, then you need to dumb down and follow the route taken by the like of t2w and babypips etc. I doubt that there will ever be a large enough target market to make a quality trading site commercially viable.

I used to be a programmer, and of course the problem is in the time it takes to actually think through and plan something original, and useful, you could hack exactly the same kind of crap everyone else offers. In the unlikely event that you did come up with something interesting and useful, competitor sites who already have quater of a million members will copy it within weeks whilst you are still struggling to get traction.

If you really want to go ahead, then IMHO DT had a few good suggestions, particularly the idea of narrowing the focus onto one specific type of trading method. You could then roll out the ability to share trades, social media type crap, trade analysis utilites etc etc.

You really need to take a long hard look at WHY you want to do this. I honestly dont think this stuff actually helps anyone in the slightest, its usually a distraction, so its not a good or noble gensture. If the idea is to piggy back on other traders, why not just follow someone at the 1001 other trade analysis sites ?. If you want to make money, copy any of the popular forums, and put the focus and resources into marketing rather than developing content or features.