Portable devices - Blacberries?


Well-known member
Can any members share with me their views on the most effective hand held devices to stay in touch with the markets. I need a device that will recieve e mail alerts and then I need to be able to log on to my broker via the internet to adjust stops or cancel the trade.

I hear that Blackberries are good.

Any idea of the most ecomomical way of achieving this facilty both travelling in the UK and overseas?

Many thanks
who's your broker? Several of them have mobile (java) applications which work pretty well on a normal phone. eg I can access my IB account from a bog standard Samsung mobile when out and about. Blackberries are okay but a bit cumbersome for use as a 'normal' phone. Unless you're going to be doing a lot of email, I'd go for an ordinary mobile first. The java apps are pretty easy on data usage so you can run any of them as an add on to a normal mobile contract - it won't make a lot of difference to your costs as its just a few kb of data unless you stay logged on for a while.