polynomial bands


Junior member
i need a help installing polynominal band on my tradestation 8.2

once plotted the indicator on a chart a windows tells that the TS_POLYN.dll file cannot found in tradestation.
i ve that file(i ve tried to put it in the program directory of ts but without succes) but i suppuse there is something to change in the formula of indicator.

Can someone help me?

thank you


You will often get this error also if the DLL header declaration for the indicator does not match what is expected by the DLL. Normally this will be a data type mismatch for the return.
i need a help installing polynominal band on my tradestation 8.2

once plotted the indicator on a chart a windows tells that the TS_POLYN.dll file cannot found in tradestation.
i ve that file(i ve tried to put it in the program directory of ts but without succes) but i suppuse there is something to change in the formula of indicator.

Can someone help me?

thank you

you can get a newer version of this indicator without the need for dll.
have you tried google?

well, thank you for your answer but if you know where to find or you have them in your files you ll be welcome, other way i know how to search in internet .... but in internet i ve fonund nothing free

thank you