Please advise Sierra charts and MyTRACK


Junior member
Hi All,
Can anyone please clarify costings!!
I want to trade the Dow and want the $trin figures!
If i sign up to my track do i get those for free or do i need to join the silver realtime?Plus if i want to use sierra charts they cost £24.00 for 6 months but i also notice my track charge £25 per month for sierra ??!!??
So in all is this correct?
My track Silver realtime $19.98 pm
Sierra charts £4.00 per month £24.00 for six months
My track with sierra £25.00pm

so roughly £41.00 per month??

Please advise as this although not bad seems to add very quickly!
Yes, you need the silver plan. + the others £41 is about right. Get signed up for Sierra via this BB 🙂
While your're at it, sign up for the S&P500 futures CMELIMTD $15 a month, cbotDely free and NASDAQ 1$