platform help


Active member
hello all!

need some help with setting up the 'perfect' platform. i have developed a strategy swing trading stocks daily that is very profitable for me. it took me a while to get it perfect but now i have been profitable trading live for over a month. my problem is with my platform i screw a few trades up here and there because of the way things are set up and this is whats preventing me from maximizing my profits.

its pretty simple what i'm looking for. and here is the list.

- the ability to click on a chart and use hotkeys to enter eg. F1: buy, F2: short
- the ability to have bracket order exits.
a little about the strategy. targets are always %. so for example i get in at 25.00 say the platform should know that for a 25$ stock i use a 2% first target and 4% second target. so it automatically sets these targets.
- the ability to have stops be a set point value (i use a 1 pt stop) while targets remain %

essentially this is what i am looking for. i want to be able to click on the chart, press a hotkey and be done. my targets and stops are already mechanical, everything is set. its just that with my current setup i have to manually enter all that information after i enter. this slows me down and sometimes leads to me having an error or two.

if someone would know how to do this, what platform to use and how to set it up please let me know. i would truly appreciate it.

thanks for all the help!!!
also i forgot to mention. i am currently using ninja trader. from my knowledge this platform is very fixable and can be programed with coding (i have no clue how this would work.)

if anyone would know about this as possible solution some help would be greatly appreciated.

thanks again!
is there a way to make your player be able to jump through a platform ,if jumping fron the bottom, but still land on it, like on old mario games?