Pivot Points

Chicken Curry

Active member
I have been having a look at the website below.


I know that I can get a pivot point calculator free of charge because I am already using one.

But can anyone tell me if this product advertised on this website provides value for money at a once-off fee of US$ 49.

It is a small price but I do not want to pay this if I can get the same information for free somewhere else.
Many thanks.

I particularly like the following comment :-

If you're paying more than $0 for your pivot points then you are paying too much.
This guy's good. I wonder if he has stuff for weight loss, quitting smoking, finding a spouse, and making big money at home in your spare time buying and selling real estate.
I just happen to have available a calculator that not only computes pivot points, but also configures trade size, money management, profit and loss stats and much more

You get all this for a one time fee of $38.49 plus s&h

Hurry while supply's last.

Satisfaction guaranteed

View the product below.


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Sulong, leave it to you. Best laugh I've had all week. (And your calculator also provides that sure-fire never-fail system that the trader is forever searching for . . . )

dbp, if that's the best laugh you've had all week, you must be living a pretty sheltered existence.

Try getting out and about more.
Chicken Curry said:
dbp, if that's the best laugh you've had all week, you must be living a pretty sheltered existence.

Nope. Just been a week of generally low-grade laughs. George Bush could usually be depended on for a few good yucks. But now he's just pitiful. Or more pitiful, depending on how you look at it.

Although Cheney shooting that guy was pretty good . . .
dbphoenix said:
Nope. Just been a week of generally low-grade laughs. George Bush could usually be depended on for a few good yucks. But now he's just pitiful. Or more pitiful, depending on how you look at it.

Although Cheney shooting that guy was pretty good . . .

It would have been better if he had been arrested and charged with something.

:LOL: :cheesy:
Chicken Curry said:
It would have been better if he had been arrested and charged with something.

:LOL: :cheesy:

I am in two minds about Cheney.
YES, he pulled the trigger, although "It wasnt Harrys fault" ( for being in the way of his gun )

BUT, he did shoot a LAWYER.
Friendly Fire.

Can't take a joke? Shouldn't have joined...

I do hear Cheyney's gun dog has put in an order for a labrador-sized Kevlar vest though. Smart dog. (Maybe he should run for President....Make a change for the dog to wag the tail)
I'm looking to position trade for a few days to weeks at a time rather than day trade. I was wondering if pivot points are useful for this type of trading?

PKFFW said:
I'm looking to position trade for a few days to weeks at a time rather than day trade. I was wondering if pivot points are useful for this type of trading?
You'll find pivots in every timeframe.

The most powerful are those where there is confirmation from more than one timeframe for the same levels.
PKFFW said:
I'm looking to position trade for a few days to weeks at a time rather than day trade. I was wondering if pivot points are useful for this type of trading?


What exactly do you mean by "position" trade? Are you thinking of swing trading instead? Or, to make it simpler, what is it that you're looking for in a trade? What is it that you want to accomplish?
"what is it that you're looking for in a trade? What is it that you want to accomplish" ..more return for less risk ;)
chump said:
"what is it that you're looking for in a trade? What is it that you want to accomplish" ..more return for less risk ;)

Always. However, he's relatively new to this, and people tend to rush in to answer these questions without knowing just what it is that the person is asking.
dbphoenix said:
What exactly do you mean by "position" trade? Are you thinking of swing trading instead? Or, to make it simpler, what is it that you're looking for in a trade? What is it that you want to accomplish?
By position trade I mean checking my charts on a daily basis, making my decisions based on those charts, taking any trades signalled and then leaving it till the next day. Next day I repeat the process, should my system say to leave the trade open, I do so, and should it say close it out I do that. I'm happy to leave a trade open for any length of time based on my system.

What am I looking for in a trade? Profit! hahah. More seriously, I recently purchased the "Principles of Profit" course done by aussietrader. Makes alot of sense to me as a good place to start and I'm trying to follow it as exactly as I can. It is a more medium to long term strategy using bollinger bands with a 40 dma as it's basic set up. So I'm looking for any trades that meet the criteria.

I ask about pivot points because whilst I'm using the above mentioned system to build capital I'm also trying to learn as much as I can about forex with the intention of trying to do more short term 1 or 2 day or even intraday forex trading to increase my profits. At present I'm just learning and practicing with a demo account and know very little about it.
