Picking the right broker/platform?


Hi Im trying to work out which broker or platform to use to dip my toe into the forex game? I have read that you need to choose an ECN Broker as you are competing against other traders and not being ripped off by trading against the broker who manipulate the spreads etc. To be honest after hourse of using google all I now seem to have is one big headache trying to find the best broker for a small newbie! Also does it matter if they are regulated or not? One man says one particular company is great another says the same company dont pay out and they're a scam! It is not easy to sort the wheat from the chaff! Im just a stupid newbie ****** and have had no replies on another thread on this forum but am trying again!

So to recap to you lot in the know. Do I need to be sure it is an ECN or Non trading Desk broker? Seriously who would you recommend? I have downloaded eToro which looks ok but they don't seem capable or explaining how to use stop loss and take profit figures before you make a trade(only after). Plus they are unregulated so is this an issue to be wary of? A lot of website are affilates for this so they all review it very well but I am not sure at all after hours of reading! It is a minefield of biased reviews and affiliate banners and I can't seem to find who to start trading with on a small scale. Without being ripped off with spreads or trading against the company which sounds totally dodgy to me as a newbie? I also want a company who you can withdraw from easily and not wait forever! Come on you experience people give me a clue please, remember you started as a newbie once! Thanks! 👍