Physical Trading


Junior member
Hi guys I just wanted to know if there is anyone in this forum that works with end buyer of crude oil, LNG, commodities. I just wanted to know if there was large following of individuals that do physical commodity trading buyers and seller or end source, if so it would be great if you could introduce yourself and put your skype id, for people to contact you and maybe we can help each other and email address.
trying to smuggle some iranian oil 😉

i think selling coke is still more profitable.. you can make same amount of profit selling 2 bags of white or 1 small boat filled with crude oil... whats the point?
trying to smuggle some iranian oil 😉

i think selling coke is still more profitable.. you can make same amount of profit selling 2 bags of white or 1 small boat filled with crude oil... whats the point?

Agree with you, but will cost a lot of efforts and time. Why don't try coal trade ? Also hard, but still visible to handle.
yep. can do that. might even consider buying a coal mine so i can sell on the morning what i have produced day before.. but i suppose they dont allow using pit ponies anymore... might ask wife is she would like to back me up in this aspect :clap: