personal hygene on the London Tube is on the up!

Car Key Boi

Well-known member
the one thing i hate about London, is the metro system. Normally riding the tube in summer is a negative olafactory experience, but this last week that i've been riding the northern line, and despite the weather being quite sticky, i've noticed that most of the passengers have all been quite fresh and the air has been pleasant

what happened to all the unwashed London tube passengers?

did the mayor have them all rounded up and shot?

- Car Key Boi,
#1 Hippie basher - Do Never Test
It may just be that as you grow older, you have started to stink more.

I do not use that horrendous method of transport anymore, if it can possibly be avoided.
My solution is shown.


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My first trip to london in ages was on Monday. Tube was horrendous!

Only needed to go two stops from holborn to kings x. Line was closed temporarily due to "heat spots" on the track up ahead. A "technician" was sent to sort it out. Meantime, power was switched off including lights and air conditioning. Like being in a dark sauna, fully clothed with some not so sweet smelling people!

We finally move one stop to russell square at which point we stop again and are advised that this time there is a fire up ahead on the track. (God knows what the "technician" did)!. Power goes off again, more sauna like conditions. After about five minutes, we are told to get off and walk.

However, need to use emergency exit. Nearly 200 steps up an emergency shaft that looks like somewhere a serial killer would keep his victims to torment them. (And hot too!)

Finally reach the top and have to find my way to St Pancras to catch my train back home up north. (Don't know london at all so that was fun too).

A great experience all round. Won't be rushing back!
And some people have to put up with that day in and day out. I hate going to town now. Stinks :cheesy:
darrenf said:
My first trip to london in ages was on Monday. Tube was horrendous!

Only needed to go two stops from holborn to kings x. Line was closed temporarily due to "heat spots" on the track up ahead. A "technician" was sent to sort it out. Meantime, power was switched off including lights and air conditioning. Like being in a dark sauna, fully clothed with some not so sweet smelling people!

We finally move one stop to russell square at which point we stop again and are advised that this time there is a fire up ahead on the track. (God knows what the "technician" did)!. Power goes off again, more sauna like conditions. After about five minutes, we are told to get off and walk.

However, need to use emergency exit. Nearly 200 steps up an emergency shaft that looks like somewhere a serial killer would keep his victims to torment them. (And hot too!)

Finally reach the top and have to find my way to St Pancras to catch my train back home up north. (Don't know london at all so that was fun too).

A great experience all round. Won't be rushing back!

i was brought up (for the most part) in NYC and the subway system there is just as horrendous as London, but i can tell yuo which city has the worst subway system in the world. Period


seriously! ask anyone who's been there. Alighting from yuor train and getting to street level can often take an hour or more
I s'pose the empty vodaka bottles slow you down on the stairs :rolleyes:

edit, is that a spelling mistake or is it difficult to say vodka when you're pi55ed? :LOL:
But you can spend so much longer admiring the architecture - beats the Northern Line or the Newcastle Metro anyday.:LOL:

vodaka aka vodka:LOL: