Perfectionism and Anxiety: An under-rated aspect of trading psychology?


Legendary member
Perfectionism, or broadly, placing an unduly high set of expectations upon oneself.

There are many emotional and psychological consequences of this.
Perfectionism can be seen as a cause of procrastination.
Example, not starting a task homework, etc), because you set such high standards that you become anxious of not living up to them.

Perfectionism and the fear of not attaining self-imposed standards can be the cause of crippling anxiety.
This may cause self-recriminations if you then actually not live up those artificial standards.
Another aspect, is holding these unattainable standards as a measure of your self-worth to others.

I wonder if the kind of industry we are in, we get caught up in the above?
Or, our nature causes us to gravitate to trading? And thus make such forums (fora?) a hot-spot of perfectionists?

Too much time of my hands?
Or something to consider about the kinds of personality profiles that such forums (fora?) attract?
Perfectionism, or broadly, placing an unduly high set of expectations upon oneself.

There are many emotional and psychological consequences of this.
Perfectionism can be seen as a cause of procrastination.
Example, not starting a task homework, etc), because you set such high standards that you become anxious of not living up to them.

Perfectionism and the fear of not attaining self-imposed standards can be the cause of crippling anxiety.
This may cause self-recriminations if you then actually not live up those artificial standards.
Another aspect, is holding these unattainable standards as a measure of your self-worth to others.

I wonder if the kind of industry we are in, we get caught up in the above?
Or, our nature causes us to gravitate to trading? And thus make such forums (fora?) a hot-spot of perfectionists?

Too much time of my hands?
Or something to consider about the kinds of personality profiles that such forums (fora?) attract?

"...........the kinds of personality profiles that such forums (fora?) attract?"

Definitely "fora" 😛

On the subject of perfectionism:

An idea expressed by some Roman (Marcus Aurelius?) was that if one strives for perfection, one would of course fail in the endeavour as only the gods could be perfect; however, if one failed by a very small margin then one would be very nearly perfect.

On the other hand, if one strives for the merely satisfactory or mediocre then if one fails by even the narrowest of margins then one is not even mediocre.
In my opinion, these two aspects are very bad company when operating, you must learn to handle these kinds of emotions
In my opinion, these two aspects are very bad company when operating, you must learn to handle these kinds of emotions

See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?

I suffer from anxiety in general and feel that is has affected my trading mentality somewhat. I don’t like the whole not knowing thing and like being able to plan things ahead (like buying a gift for a bday party weeks in advance). Not knowing how much money I’m going to gain or lose and etc. used to feel like a big deal when I started trading, but I suppose time has helped me get more used to the unknown parts.