Pension deficits is a major concern


i have recently learnt that pension deficits for a company is a major concern. I wish to understand exactly what a pension deficit is so that it can help me to make a wiser decision valuing shares.

Does a deficit arouse when the total amount of pension contributions from employees and employers minus the current pension fund overall price?

also, i know there are two pension schemes for occupational pensions. do the Governement pay into these schemes or is it just the employer? i remember reading from somwhere that government payed into the fund, which pension type does this apply for?

oh, just like to mention what i've gathered from a newspaper article " BA will put £500million in the fund, with employees bearing the burden of £500million more through higher contributions and reduced benefits" can BA do this? i mean change the contract of a pension agreement ( would be so unfair)? or does this only apply to new employees starting work at BA? thanks
Ask the people whose pensions they are. Can't be legal to rob ordinary folk like that. At least Dick Turpin wore a mask!,,1059-1306548,00.html
"Even Mr Brown robs Peter to pay Paul. He imposed a £5 billion tax on private pensions to help to pay for public sector ones. While private pensions have collapsed over the past three years, Civil Service payouts have been soaring. To crown it all, Mr Brown capped tax relief on private schemes at £1.4 million in value. At the same time Mr Blair was revealed as having a tax-funded scheme worth £3 million . In this business it is every man for himself. "
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Thats another thing, there was a programme on telly few weeks ago about council tax / pensions. All the above inflation rises in council tax over recent yrs have gone to fund public sector pensions.

Dog eat dog out there. Look after your own cos nobody else will.

Brown for P M = time to sell up an leave.