Order Execution

Hi, I'm thinking about buying a stock that has had a pullback, but has further upside potential. Therefore, I would like to place a Good Till Cancelled (GTC) Buy Limit Stop.

If fore-say, I set GTC till 2 PM (EST) with a $30 Buy Stop and a $30.50 Buy Limit and the stock trades up to $30.25, but price rises to $31 before 2 PM, will my order still be executed?
Hi, I'm thinking about buying a stock that has had a pullback, but has further upside potential. Therefore, I would like to place a Good Till Cancelled (GTC) Buy Limit Stop.

If fore-say, I set GTC till 2 PM (EST) with a $30 Buy Stop and a $30.50 Buy Limit and the stock trades up to $30.25, but price rises to $31 before 2 PM, will my order still be executed?

you would certainly think so, unless the price gaps up or your broker does not fill the order timely enough