:clap😛lease be aware that Best Trades was designed for educational purposes only. It does not provide signals for trading index options, nor does it make any predictions as to where the markets are likely headed.
Because Best Trades has a long history (we began distributing the newsletter in 2001), an extensive archive of trades is available.
Looking through the archive, you will notice that Best Trades categorizes two types of trades:
1. “Past tradesâ€� or “closedâ€� trades: These are trades that were closed a few days before the latest issue of Best Trades was sent out. Some of the closed trades we discuss were made by our affiliate traders, some by MarketVolume™ subscribers, who wanted to share their successes using our volume-based trading techniques;
2. “Real-time� or “open� trades: These are trades that are still active at the time the most current issue of Best Trades appears. The success of an open trade cannot be judged until a later date, although we can of course assess its “performance to date�.
The main reason we started including “open tradesâ€� in our newsletter is in response to an argument made by several of our subscribers. They reasoned that by showing and discussing only closed (past) trades, we were in effect basing the value of our trading methodology solely on historical performances. Not wishing to “avoidâ€� the challenge of assessing trades in real-time (which is after all the main justification for our real-time JavaVolume™ charts, see MarketVolume.com), we opted to include some open trades in the newsletter. In this way, we can show Best Trades readers that volume-based technical analysis works just as well in real time.
To assess the performance of a “real-time� trade addressed in a current edition of Best Trades, you may chose to monitor the trade yourself, or you can read about it in a subsequent issue of the newsletter, when the trade will have been closed.
It is imperative that you understand that our newsletter was designed for educational purposes. When we leave a trade open, we strive to show the value of volume-based technical analysis, in real-time, as a trade unfolds. Yet, our open trades must never be seen as recommendations to follow (copy) a particular trade.